
发布 2020-10-18 13:39:28 阅读 2092


) 1. a. betweenb. besidec. begin

) 2. a. leftb. supermarketc. right

) 3. a. helpb. shopc. hospital

) 4. a. cinemab. goc. see

) 5. a. streetb. alongc. road




1. you can ta bus at the bus stop.

2. is there a shop bthe park?

3. please goff at park road.

4. hcan i get to the bookstore?

5. there is a dog uthe tree.


a. at b. in c. near d. on e. between

1) you can see a schoolthe left.

2) please get offpark road.

3) there is a big treefront of the house.

4) is there a libraryhere?

5) the supermarket isthe bank and the cinema.


) 1. how can ithe cinema?

a. get tob. toc. get

) 2. —where did you buy the book?

a. twenty yuan. b. in the bookstorec. ok.

) 3. turn rightthe hospital.

a. atb. onc. in

) 4. the restaurant is next to the parkdongfang street.

a. ofb. onc. to

) 5. the hospital isthe left.

a. inb. withc. on

) 6. is there a supermarkethere?

a. nearb. next toc. between

) 7. you can take a busthe bus stop.

a. inb. atc. on

) 8. there is a shopthe schoolthe park.

a. between; in b. and; betweenc. between; and

) 9. can you tell me the waythe children’s park?

a. ofb. toc. in

) 10. you cana hospital on the left.

a. seeb. seesc. seen


1. you can go there by bus. (就画线部分提问)

we get there?

2. the hospital is next to the post office. (就画线部分提问)

is3. there is a cinema near here. (变一般疑问句)

there a cinemahere?

4. 你可以在公共汽车站下车。(译成英语)

5. how, i, can, the post office, get to (?连词成句)


a. no, there isn’t.

b. you can take a bus at the bus stop and get off at green street.

c. go along the street and you can see the hospital on the right.

d. it’s behind the bank.

e. you are welcome.

1) how can i get to the children’s park?

2) is there a shop near the park?

3) where is the bookstore?

4) thank you.

5) can you tell me the way to the hospital?


first you can see the science museum. it’s next to the bookstore. the bookstore is behind the cinema.

the hospital is in front of the cinema. the library is in front of the science museum. there is a park next to the hospital.

the school is next to the park and the library. it’s behind the post office. let’s finish the map.

1) the science museum is next to the post office.

2) the bookstore is beside the cinema.

3) the hospital is in front of the cinema.

4) there is a park next to the hospital.

5) the science museum is behind the library.


chen jie的生日快到了,她要在星期日晚上7:00在家举行生日party,这是她给amy的生日邀请卡。你能帮她完成吗?

chen jie家路线提示:

1. 从学校向左转,然后沿着这条街走。你会看到右侧有一家医院。

2. 在医院向左转,你会在右侧看见科学博物馆,chen jie家就在科学博物馆旁边。

要求:(1) 条理清晰,语句通顺。(2) 书写规范。(3) 不少于40个单词。


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一 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。1.a.useb.cutc.fun 2.a.hugeb.cutec.lunch 3.a.busb.musicc.luck 4.a.itb.musicc.like 5.a.whatb.whoc.where 二 按要求写一写。1.条 一副 一双 译成英语2.shoe 复数...