
发布 2020-09-30 06:03:28 阅读 2635


二、课例名称 home







1、使学生能听、说、读、写有关方位的一些介词in、on 、near.

2、知道there be 句型的单复数形式。如:there is a __there are some __

are there any __yes, there are. no, there aren’t


1、使学生初步掌握介词的用法及there be句型。





2、教学重难点:初步掌握介词的用法,灵活运用there be句型。熟练掌握there be 句型的单数句和复数句。



step ( revision )

t: good morning, boys and girls.

s: good morning, mr. zhong.

t: how are you?

s: i am fine, thank you.

2 ) free talk.

t: we know there are more and more new building in our city now. who can tell me what did you see?

s1: jingbi garden. s2: xianghong garden…

t: do you know where is my home? you can guess it. who want to try?

yes, you please. …good, you are right. now, look at the picture please.

my home is in the xingfu garden. do you want to visit my home? follow me.(cai)

step2. presentation (practice)

leading in.

now, look at me. can you guess where am i? (do the actions. students say it out).

1. sleepingbedroom)

2. brushing teeth and washing facebathroom)

3. cookingkitchen)

4. eatingdining room)

5. playing the computerstudy)

6. watching tvsitting room)


put the word cars on the blackboard, then listen and repeat.

play a game---bomb games 设计意图:利用趣味性的游戏复习所学单词)

learn to say. (cai)show a picture. ask students to look and say.

t: look at this picture. this is my sitting room. what can you see?

s1: …s2: …

blackboard writing design:there is a vase on the table.

there are some books on the table.

are there any apples on the table? yes, there are. no, there aren’t.

introduce the sally’s sitting room.

free talk. ask some students to say something about their sitting room, bedroom or study.

ask and answer. ask two students to the front. one student put up the pictures.

the other one ask :“are there any __on the desk?”the other students answer:

“yes, there are. ”or :“no, there aren’t.

”(practice in groups)

play a game. ask some students to the front and close their eyes. then put something in the box.

ask the student to touch the material objects and answer the questions.


step3. task time (consolidation)

1 ) listen and choose picturea or b. (cai )

2 ) do some exercises. in the each group, they h**e a picture. they must look at the picture and answer the six questions.

at last, they must choose the right answer.

step 4. homework ( extension )

1 draw a picture about the bedroom or sitting room .

2 do some exercises.

附件1. 课堂练习。


part a. choose the right answer.

) 1. is there a tv near the window?

a. yes, there is. b. no, there isn’t.

) 2. are there any books on the piano?

a. yes, there are. b. no, there aren’t.

) 3. is there a table near the sofa?

a. yes, there is. b. no, there aren’t.

part b. write down the answers.

1. are there any books on the table?

___there __

2. are there any apples on the table?


3. what can you see on the wall?

there __some pictures __the wall.

附件2. 课后练习。

this is my sitting room. it is very large. there is piano in it.

it is near the door. there is a long sofa in the sitting room.

it is yellow. on the wall there are some pictures.

choose the right answer.

) 1. this is my __

a. sitting room. b. dining room

( )2. near the door there is a __

a. sofab. piano

( )3. is there a sofa in the sitting room?

a. yes, there is. b. no, there isn’t.

( )4. what color is the sofa?

a. it is green. b. it is yellow.

( )5. are there any clocks on the wall?

a. yes, there are. b. no, there aren’t.

step 5. blackboard writing design




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