
发布 2020-09-30 06:02:28 阅读 6937

teaching steps:

step 1. warming-up

1. hello everybody! how are you?(i,m fine . thank you)

2. now listen to me and mime the actions. ok ?

stand up./ stamp your feet. /clap your hands .

/snap your fingers./ turn around. /sit down .

step 2. presentation

1. teach the word “ happy”.

1) t: today is my birthday. i’m happy.(出示笑脸图,单词,认读。)

are you happy now ?(举手)

ss: yes.

t: she is happy. he is happy. they’re happy. we are happy.

i smile. (做表情,同时出示单词 smile,认读。)

2)t:how is toby feeling?(出示toby笑脸图)

s1 : toby is happy.

t: yes, toby,s happy,happy,happy. he smiles.(出示相应的句子,表演读。)

2. teach the word “sad”


oh, my hand hurts !i’m sad. ”出示表情图、单词,认读。)

2)t: look at toby, how is he feeling?(出示toby 伤心图。)

s1: he is sad .

t: yes, he is sad. he cries (出示单词 cries,做表情,认读。).


3. teach the word “angry” .


my peneil case ! where’s my peneil case?

i’m angry !(出示生气脸图并出示单词,教读)。

引导学生发现happy、 angry 和 sad 三个单词发音上的共同点。

2)how is toby feeling ? 出示toby 生气图)

he’s angry、angry、angry. and he stamps his feet .(相机出示句子,表演读。)

4. teach the word “tired” .


i’m tired . 出示表情图和单词,领读,齐读,注意读音。)

2)how is toby feeling ?(出示toby劳累图)


5. teach the word “scared”.

t: now let’s guess a game. ok ?

look at the picture. how is toby feeling ?

生猜,相机出示生气图和单词,领读,和tired 作比较,识记单词。

can you act ? 生表演,贴表情图。

6、小结:象今天我们所学的sad、 happy、 angry、 tired、 scared 等词都属于feeling 这一类(板书课题),学习单词feeling。

7. 练习。

1)now listen and act . ok ?

2)let’s change the order.

3)play a game with your partner—mime, watch and guess: how am i feeling now ?

8. listen and fill in the numbers.

1)let the pupils listen to the tape and fill in the numbers.

2)i mime and say the words.

9. let’s play a game . ok ? 做**游戏)练习句子she/he is….

step3. listen and sing the song.

1. listen and watch .

2. listen and mime .

3. sing and mime .

step4. 课堂小结。

step5. homework.

1. copy the words:

sad、 happy、 angry、 tired、 scared、 cries、 smile.

2. 教家长唱这首歌。

板书设计:unit 8 feelings


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