
发布 2020-09-29 11:05:28 阅读 7561

unit one my school 第一单元我的学校。

look!that’s the playground.看!那是操场。

where’s the library?.图书馆在哪儿?

it’s next to the art room. 它在美术室的旁边。

oh,no!that’s my library! 哦!不!那是我的图书馆!

is this the teachers’ office?这是老师的办公室吗?.

no,it isn’ the computer room. 不,它不是。它是电脑室。

do you h**e an art room? 你们有美术室吗?

on the second floor. 有的,它在二楼。

let's talk 让我们来对话吧。

excuse me .where’s the teachers’ office?对不起,老师的办公室在哪儿?

it’s on the second floor. 它在二楼。

谢谢!hi,is this the teachers’ office? 嗨!这是老师的办公室吗?

no,it isn’ teachers’ office is next to the library.


hi,miss white!here’s my homework.你好,怀特小姐!这是我的家庭作业。

thank you, mike.谢谢你,麦克。

bye,miss white.再见,怀特小姐。

look,ask and answer

where’s the library? 图书馆在**?

it’s on the second floor. 它在二楼。

is it next to classroom 3? 它是在三班的旁边吗?

yes,it is. 是的。

let's learn

where’s the library?【teachers’ office】 图书馆在**?/老师的办公室。

it’s on the first floor.【second floor】 它在一楼。/二楼。

let's do

go to the library. read a book.去图书馆,读书。 quiet!嘘。保持安静!

go to the teachers’ hello.去教师办公室。,说你好。hi,miss white.你好,怀特小姐。

go to the football.去操场,踢足球。yeah! we win!哇!我们赢了!

go to the the flowers.去花园,浇花。.wow! beautiful!哇!好美。

let;s spell

1. sister ruler under number

erasre dinner winter

after water river

let's talk

welcome to our school! this is my classroom.


it’s so big! how many students are there in your class?


forty-five students.有45个学生。

is that the computer room? 那是计算机房吗?

no,it isnt. it’s the teachers’ office. 不,那不是。那是老师的办公室。

do you h**e a library? 你们有图书馆吗?

yes,we’s on the second way,please.


let's play 演一演。

do you h**e a library?你们有图书馆吗?【computer room/ teachers’ office/ classroom】

yes,we do. 是的,我们有。

where is it? 它在**?

it’s on the second floor. 它在二楼。

let's learn 让我们学习。

this is my school. 这是我的学校。

cool! do you h**e a music room? 酷!你们有**室吗?

yes,we on the first floor. 是的,我们有。它在一楼。

look,ask and answer

do you h**e a computer room? 你们有电脑房吗?

yes,we on the first floor. 是的,我们有。它在一楼。

read and write

you h**e a library? 你们有图书馆吗?

library is on the second floor. 是的,图书馆在二楼。

you h**e an art room? 你们有美术室吗?

art room is next to the gym. 是的,美术室在体育馆旁边。

is the teachers’ office? 老师的办公室在哪儿?

the teachers’ office is next to the library. 老师的办公室在图书馆旁边。

is classroom 1 ? 一班在哪?

classroom 1 is under the teachers’ office. 一班在教师办公室下面。

let’s sing

our school

this is the way i go to school,go to school,go to school.

this is the way i go to school,where i like to learn all day.

this is the classroom in my school,in my school,in my school,this is the classroom in my school,where i like to learn all day.




story time 讲故事时间。

to our school! this way,please.--how beautiful!


is the library.--i like storybooks. -oh! i’m hungry.


that the music room? -yes,it is.


is the gym. -is that the lunch room? -yes,it is.


this the computer room? -no,it’s the teachers’office.


time for lunch. -where is zoom? -zoom? i know!--i’m full!

到吃午饭的时间了。 -鲁姆去哪儿了? -鲁姆?我知道!--我饱了。

unit two what time is it? 第二单元现在是几点?

london ,12 noon 伦敦正午12点。

it's 12 o'clock. it's time for lunch. 现在是12点钟了。吃午饭的时间到了。

cairo, 2 开罗下午2点。

it's 2 o'clock. let's play football! 现在是2点,让我们踢球吧!--ok.好吧。

beijing, 8 北京晚8点。

it's time to watch tv! 现在是看电视的时间。

new york, 7 纽约早7点。

what time is it? 这是什么时候了?

it's 7 o''s time to get up. 7点钟了,该起床了。

brasilia ,9 巴西利亚早9点。

hurry up! it's time for school! 快点!到上学的时间了!

sydney 10 悉尼晚10点。

it's 10 o'clock. .it's time to go to bed. 现在是10点,该睡觉了。

let's talk 让我们来对话吧。

hi!school is 's go to the playground. -ok.

嗨!放学了,让我们去操场吧。 -好吧。

what time is it now? 现在几点了? -it's 5 o'clock. 现在是5点。

time to go home,kids. 该回家了,孩子。

what time is it? -it's 6 o'clock. it's time for dinner.. oh!let’s go!


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