
发布 2020-09-29 12:24:28 阅读 2335


u-nit 1 my 'class-room

a let’s learn

' class-room 教室win-dow 窗户

door 门pic-ture 图画。

board 写字板light 灯,管灯。

a: what’s in the 'class-room? 教室里有什么?

b: a board two lights, many desks and chairs.


let's do

o-pen the door .开门turn on the light.开灯。

sweep the floor.打扫地板 clean the 'win-dow.擦窗户。

put up the 'pic-ture . 挂图画 clean the board . 擦黑板。

let’s talk

amy : hel-'lo! mike你好!mike.

mike : hi, amy. this is zhang peng, our new class-room.


amy : mike, we h**e a new class-room.

mike, 我们有一个新教室。

mike : re-al-ly? let’s go and h**e a look.


mike : wow! it’s so big. 哇!它好大呀!

zhang : we h**e 6 new lights. 我们有六个新电灯。

amy : look, this is my new desk. 看,这是我的新课桌。

zhang: where is my seat? 我的座位在哪儿?

mike : it’s near the door. 在门的附近。

let's chant

work and play ,

work and play .

in the class-room 'eve-ry day .

work and play ,

work and play .

we h**e fun 'eve-ry day .

let’s say

a a ant 蚂蚁ap-ple苹果 hand 手。

b b beef 牛肉boy 男孩ball 球。

c c cat 猫cake 蛋糕 car 小气车。

d d 'doc-tor 医生 duck 鸭desk 桌子。

e e egg蛋e-le-phant 大象 bed 床。

b let’s learn

com-'pu-ter 计算机 fan 风扇 wall 墙。

tea-cher's desk 讲台 floor地板。

look! this is my 'class-room. the wall is white. the floor is green...


let’s talk

wu : good 'mor-ning! let’s clean the 'class'room.


sarah : good 'i-dea好主意!

zhang : let’s clean the desks and chairs.


amy : all right好的。

mike : let me clean the 'win-dow. 让我来擦窗户。

chen : let me clean the board. 让我来擦写字板。

john : look at the 'pic-ture看这幅画。

zhang : it’s nice它很漂亮。

students : good 'mor-ning ! miss white. 早上好!miss white.

miss : wow! it’s nice and clean. good job!


let’s say

f f fish 鱼 french fries 炸薯条 farmer 农民

g g girl 女孩 goose 鹅good好。

h h hot dog 热狗 'ham-bur-ger汉堡包 hat 帽子。

i i 'ice-cream 冰淇淋 'ice -'water 冰水 'i-dea好主意。

c. story time

zip : oh , there is a bee in our 'class-room . 哦,我们教室里有只蜜蜂。

zoom : where is it在**?

zip : look ! it's on the light . 看,它在电灯上。

zoom : where is it now现在在**?

rabbit : it's the fan在风扇上。

zip : look ! it's on the wall now . 看,现在落在墙上。

teacher : what's this这是什么?

zoom : t's a bee它是只蜜蜂。

teacher : no , it's a board不对,它是黑板。

zip : there's a bee on the board . 在黑板上有只蜜蜂。

teacher : ah , yes . it's 'real-ly a bee . 哦,是的,它是真的是只蜜蜂。

animals : ha ha ! 哈哈。

unit 2 my school-bag

a let’s learn

chi-'nese book 语文书 'eng-lish book 英语书。

math book 数学书 'school-bag 书包。

story-book 故事书 'note-book 笔记本。

zip : how many books do 0you h**e?你有多少本书?

zoom : i h**e 6. an 'eng-lish book, a 'chi-nese book, a math book, a

note-book and two 'story-books .



let's do

put your 'note-book 'un-der your bag . or ]


put your pencil-case on your chair .


put your 'pen-cil in your desk .


put your e-'ra-ser near your pencil-case .


put your 'eng-lish book on your head .


let’s talk

amy : hi, chen jie. i h**e a new 'school-bag.


chen : real-ly? what 'co-lour is it? 真的吗?它是什么颜色?

amy : it’s black and white. look!

是黑色和白色的。看! chen :

wow! it’s a 'pan-da ! how nice!


amy : i h**e 'ma-ny books. an 'eng-lish book, a 'story-book, and…


amy : a fat 'pan-da! 一只肥胖的熊猫!

chen : may i h**e a look? 我可以看一看吗?

amy : sure, here you are. 当然可以,给你。


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