
发布 2020-09-29 12:21:28 阅读 8364



一、 读一读,选出划线字母发音不同的单词,并把答案序号填入括号里。(每小题2分,共10分)

) 1. a. cake b. facec. cat

) 2. a. five b. pigc. rice

) 3. a. hot b. nosec. note

) 4. a. me b. bedc. he

) 5. a. use b. mumc. cute


) 1. a. window b. strongc. light

) 2. a. notebook b. storybook c. glasses

) 3. a. kitchen b. fanc. study

( )4. a. auntb. beefc. noodles

) 5. a. docter b. nursec. table

三、 单项选择(每小题2分,共20分)

) in your classroom?

a. red , yellow and blueb. ten.

c. two lights, one tv . many desks…

)2. _clean the classroom.

a. letb. let isc. let’s

)3. -what colour is it?

a. maths book. b. it’s blue and white. c. he’s tall.

)4. my friend __blue glasses.

h**ec. has.

)5. -is she in the study?

a. no, she isn’t. b. yes, she isn’t. c. no, he isn’t.

)6are the keys?

they’re on the fridge.

a. whatb. whoc. where.

)7. -i am hungry , what’s___dinner ?

a. forb. andc. at.

)8people are there in your family?


a. whatb. how manyc. where.

)9. -where is my desk?

it’sthe door.

a. onb. inc. near

)10. -whatyou like?

a. isb. arec. would


beef ②schoolbag ③doctor ④sofa ⑤cook ⑥table

⑦noodles ⑧storybook ⑨soup ⑩driver



ab ) yourselfa. yes,please.

) 2. what’s your father’s jobb. her name is sarah.

) her namec. he is a farmer.

( )4where is the pictured. thanks.

) 5. would you like some soup? e. it’s near the bed.


)1、 你想吃面包时,你对服务员说。

a. i’d like some noodles.

b. i’d like some bread , please.

c. i’d like some vegetables , please.


a. where is my bedb. where is my key?

c. what’s in your schoolbag?..


a. this is my bedroomb. this is my living room.

c. the chairs are in the bedroom.


a. would you like a fork? b. no, thanks.

c. i can use forks.


a. help yourself. b. here you are . c. let me help you!


sarah is an english girl. she is tall and she has long hair. she likes beef and fish.

her mother is short and she has long hair. she likes vegetables and noodles. her father is tall and he has short hair.

he likes beef and vegetables. sarah can use chopsticks. and they like chinese food.

1. sarah is a chinese girl. (

2. sarah is short and she has long hair. (

3. sarah’s mother is short and she has long hair. (

4. sarah’s father likes beef and vegetables. (

5. sarah can’t use chopsticks. (


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