
发布 2020-09-29 12:17:28 阅读 7117



1)__g __2)__h __3)__q __4)__u __

5)__y__ 6)__x__ 7) _t__ 8)__s__







)1. what's in the classroom ? a. 16.

)2. where are the keysb. they are in the table .

)3. how many books do you h**e ? c. yes, it is.

)4. may i h**e a lookd. a board, two lights ,many desks and chairs .

)5. is this your bedroom ? e. sure ! here you are !



、 她是我们的英语老师。

2、 我有一个铅笔盒。

3、 let’s h**e a look

4、turn on the light

5、my friend is strong. he likes sports

五、 情景反应。10分


a. mike is big eyes and a small nose.

b. mike has big eyes and a small nose.

c. mike has big eyes and a small noses.


a. our new teacher is tall and thin.

b. our teacher is tall and thin.

c. our teacher is tall and strong.


a. mom, i h**e a new friend.

b. mom, i h**e a new friends.

c. mom, i has a new friend.


a. h**e some tea. b. h**e some water.


a. i h**e a cat. b. i h**e a dog.

七、选择填空,将答案的字母编号写在括号里。 10分。

)1. let’s clean the windows.

a. all right. b. thank you.

)2. hescience.

a. likes b. like

)3. are they on the table?

a. yes, they are. b. yes, it is.

)4. go to thewatch tv.

a. bathroom b. living room

)5. areon the table?

a. my b. they


hello! my name is chen jie. i am 12 years old.

i am a are 10 classroom .we h**e 50 teachers and many students,they are all my friends. we go home at 5:

00 in the afternoon. i like my school。

jie is ten years old.(

are ten classrooms and fifteen teachers.(

jie goes home at 5:00 in the afternoon.(

the students like their school.(


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