2019新pep四年级下册英语期末试卷 附听力材料

发布 2023-02-03 14:47:28 阅读 6755



笔试部分。一。 read and match.连连看。将含有相同发音部分的单词连起来。(共5分)

二。 read and choose.圈出与所给单词属于同一类的单词。(共10分)

1. library a. b. c.

2. cool a. b. c.

3. pe class a. b. c.

4. green beans a. b. c.

5. umbrella a. bc.

read and write.请根据**提示不补全句子。(共10分)新课标第一网。

1. look!what are these? they are.

2. it’s warm today. let’s.

3. it’s time to.

4. this is our . it’s very beautiful.

5. i like the . they’re green.


)1、 w w .x k b o m

)5、a. art room b. computer room c. music room d. floor

) 7 、a. blue b. shirt c. dress d. jacket


rainy carrot thirdhorsecow first

onionsecond snowy sweater hencloudy

jacket potato socks



vegetable(蔬菜) :



六、read and choose.选择正确的一项,补全句子。(共10分 )

)1. —are these your socks?

a. yes, they aren’t. b. yes, it is. c. no, they aren’t.

)2. it’s 9:30. it’s time __go to bed.

a. forb. toc. in

)3. —how many __are there?

there are fifteen.

a. sheepsb. sheep c. sheepes

)4. —what would you like?

i’d like some

a. potatob. potatosc. potatoes

)5. this is __carrot. that is __onion.

a. a, ab. an, ac. a, an

)6. —where is the teachers’ office?

it’s __the second floor.

a. onb. atc. in

)7. let’s go to theto play football. 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网。

a. playground b. classroom room

)8skirt is this?

it’s chen jie’s.

a. how much b. what colour c. whose

)9. —are they hens?

yesa. it isb. they arec. they aren’t

)10. theretwenty ducks on the farm.

a. amb. isc. are

七。 read and match.请将对应的问答句连线。(共10分)

2. seven o’clock.

3. what’sthe weather like in beijing? theyaren’t.

4. how much the pearsd. it’s rainy.

5. whattime is yuan.



a:look, this farm is so big. are they goats?

bthey are sheep.

ab:the sheep are white.

a. are they cows ?

bthey are black and white.


a:your farm is beautiful

b九。 read and number.请给下列句子排序,使之成为一段通顺的会话。第一句已给出。(共10分)

1. yes, of course. how about these?

2. oh! no, thank you. that’s expensive.

3. ten yuan for four.

4. yes. do you h**e any oranges?

5. can i help you?

nice. how much?

排列顺序: 5

十、read and match.读句子,将时间与对应的**连线。(共5分)

hello! i’m petty. this is my day.

it’s six forty. it’s time to get up. it’s seven o’clock.

it’s time to go to school. it’s eleven thirty. it’s time for lunch.

it’s four twenty. it’s time to go home. it’s eight thirty.

it’s time to go to bed. 新| 课 |标|第 |一| 网

a. b. c. d. e.


unit1 my classroompart c story 学习目标 1.能听懂 会说 认读a b部分let s learn let s talk中的单词和句子,并能在真实情景中运用。2.掌握并区分字母a和字母组合a e发音的不同。3.了解 听懂本单元的小故事。4.会唱歌曲 we h e a ne...


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