
发布 2020-09-30 10:36:28 阅读 2806



一、 找出与所给单词同类的选项,将选项填在括号里。(10分)

) 1. first a. one b. second

) 2. cold a. hot b. sunny

) 3. dinner a. school b. lunch

) 4. music a. bed b. art

) 5. rainy a. cool b. snowy

二、 选出划线部分发音不同的一项,将序号写在括号里。(10分)

) name b. cat c. bag

) car b. water c. tiger

) bed b. he c. red

) fish b. window c. rice

) bird b. girl c. sister

三、 请打“√”判断翻译对错。(10分)

to bed**睡觉 floor一楼( )

to 在……上面 class英语课( )

天气 up 去上学 (

暖和的8. just a minute快点 (

9. two o’clock 两点整10. windy and rainy 刮风又下雨 (

四、选择题 (12分)

) 1. _go to the playground.

a. let b. let c. let’s

) 2. what time

a. is it b. it is c. it

) 3. _time for english class.

a. it b. it’s c. is

) 4. it’s time __go home

a. to b. for c. in

) 5. _is the library

a. what b. where c. do

) 6. _you h**e a playground?

a. where b. what c. do

) 7. what’s __weather like now?

a. the b. a c. an

) 8. _careful

a. is b. be c. are

) 9. this is the __report.

a. warm b. wall c. weather

) 10. _i go outside

a. do b. can c. am

) 11. what’s the weather like __beijing?

a. in b. on c. at

) 12. _cold in sydney?

a. it b. is c. it’s


) 1. where is the art rooma. no, we don’t.

) 2. can i go outsideb. it’s snowy and cold.

) 3. h**e some lunchc. it’s on the first floor.

) 4. do you h**e a canteend. yes, you can.

) 5. what’s the weather like in hong kong? e. thanks.


)1. eat some noodlesa.你叔叔是干什么的?

)2. let’s watch tvb. 那是你的电脑。

)3. that is your computerc.吃些面条。

)4. i like the white jacket with the green skirt. d我们看电视吧。

)5. what’s your unclee.我喜欢白毛衣来配绿裙子。


two cold playground nine art room music class

windy pe class hundred warm




八、看**,选择正确的句子。(10分)w更多免费资源**绿色圃中小学教育网 课件|**|试卷|无需注册。

) 1. a. it’s sunny and hot. b. it’s sunny and cold.

) 2. a. it’s sunny todayb. it’s cloudy today.

) 3. a. it’s time to go to bed. b. it’s time to get up.

) 4. a. it’s time to go to school. b. it’s time to go home.

) 5. a. it’s time for dinnerb. it’s time for breakfast.


1. car, my, is, this (.

2. it, is, hot, today (?

3. is, where, room, music, the (?

4. do, you, h**e, a, gym (.


my name is lingling. this is my day. i get up at seven o’clock.

and then i eat breakfast. at 7:20,i go to school.

i h**e 3 classes in the morning and 3 classes in the afternoon. i h**e english class at 9:30.

i like english class. i h**e lunch at 12 o’clock in my school canteen. i go home at 4:

30. i often play football on the playground.

) 1. i get up at 7: 00

( )2. i h**e six classes in a day.

) 3. i like chines class.

( )4. i h**e lunch at home.

) 5. i play football at home.


2014 2015学年度第二学期期末学业水平测试。小学四年级英语。时间 60分钟 等级 要注重写的练习。强调听和说,听 说领先,是对的 经常阅读,大量阅读,也是必要的。但对于排在 四会 末尾的 写 千万不要认为它可有可无。写 在学英语的过程中有其特别重要和不可替代的作用。丁往道。一 听力部分 50 ...


unit1myclassroom 单词 classroom教室 window窗户 blackboard黑板 light电灯picture图画。door 门 floor地板 computer计算机 teacher sdesk讲台 人教版新pep小学四年级英语上册复习。unit1myclassroom ...


课题。unit 1my classroom 课时安排共9课时,第1课时。1.能够简单描述自己的教室,如 this is my classroom.it s big.2.能够说出教室中设施的颜色,如 the door is green.the windows are yellow.复习目标。3.能够听...