
发布 2020-09-29 10:24:28 阅读 3666


题号一二三四五六七**十卷面总数听力部分(50)【温馨提示:听之前,一定先看一遍听力部分的图和题,这样听起来就容易多了】一、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,把选项填在括号内(10)( 1. a.

what for b. weather report c. all right( )2.

a. canteen b. sixty c.

donkey( )3. a. whose b.

those c. shoes

) 4. a. teacher’s office b.

music room c. class( )5. a.

cool b. floor c. colourful


) 1. a. thank you. b. it’s on the second floor. c. it’s blue.

) 2. a. yes, i am. b. no, it’s a map. c. it’s your baby brother’s.

) 3. a. it’s nine ten.

b. they are hens. c.

they are thirty-five yuan.( 4. a.

two. b. no, they aren’t.

c. they are goats.

) 5. a. yes, you can. b. it’s too expensive. c. yes, i want a pair ofshoes.


1. we h**e fourin our classroom.2. my t-shirt is3. it’stoday.4. i want ten

5. there areone goats.


有一个是与其它三个不同类的,请选出来,并填到前面括号里。( 1. a. this b. that c. the d. those

) 2. a. breakfast b.

lunch c. dinner d. weather() 3.

a. class b. chinese c.

english d. music( )4. a.

sweater b. jeans c. shorts d.

these( )5. a. rainy b.

pretty c. cloudy d. windy( )6.

a. floor b. my c.

your d. our

) 7. a. sixty b.

many c. ninety d. seventy( )8.

a. lamb b. cow c.

farm d. pig

) 9. a. tomato b.

carrot c. cucumber d. matter( )10.

a. red b. colour c.

white d. green七、读读写写根据提示完成句子。(5)

1. is this a西瓜)?

2. i h**e a new连衣裙) for my birthday party.3. it’s暖和的) today.4. the shirt is长的).

5.–are they鸭子)?–no, they aren’t.八、我问你答,情景对话(10)

从右边的答语中选择正确选项填在左边问句后的括号内。a. no, it’s a map.

b. thank you. thank one they are hens.

are thirty-five it’s yes, it is.

h. yes, you yes, they blue.


1. my is computer this (.

2. o’clock it’s two (.

3. class for math time it’s (.

4. football let’s play (.

5. it is much how (?


dear grandma,thank you for the new shorts. they are cool!

it’s hot in beijing. it’s sunny too. i can wear my shortsand t-shirt.

i h**e a new jacket. my old jacket is toosmall. i want to buy a hat.

it is fifty yuan. it’s tooexpensive.

what’s the weather like at the farm? is it warm?how many new ducks are there?love,john

阅读john写给奶奶的信,判断正(√)误(×)1. it is cool in beijing. (2.

john has a new jacket. (3. grandma is at the farm.

(4. the jacket is fifty yuan. (5.

it’s sunny in beijing. (




一、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,把选项填在括号内(每小题听两遍)1. what for 2. sixty 3.

shoes 4. teacher’s office 5. floor abcab


1. where is the library? 2.

whose is it? 3. what time is it?

4. are they sheep? 5.

can i help you?五、听录音,写单词。

1. we h**e four lights in our classroom. 2.

my t-shirt is yellow.3. it’s sunny today.

4. i want ten oranges.5.

there are twenty-one goats.六、cdadb abcdd

七、1. watermelon 2. dress 3.

warm 5. ducks八、1. a 2.

g 3. f 4. h 5.

e 6. j 7. d 8.

i 9. c 10. b九、1.

this is my computer. 2. it’s two o’clock.

3. it’s time for math class. 4. let’s play football.5. how much is it?

十、1. ×2. √3. √4. ×5. √


2014 2015学年度第二学期期末测试题。年级 四年级学科 英语单位 双岔河小学姓名 张守志。一 找出不同类的单词或短语。12分 1.a.carrot b.glovec.scarf 2.a.rainy b.shortsc.windy 3.a.breakfast b.lunchc.dress 4.s...


pep小学四年级。第二学期期末教学质量检测英语试卷。温馨提示 本套试题满分100分,其中知识题占97分,卷面书写占3分。read write and say.读框中的单词,根据发音规律选择合适的单词填空。10分 a.water 1.card for sister2.bird tall h...


pep四年级 下 期末检测卷。namemark 1 英汉互译 20分 外衣12.花园 13伦敦14尺码15 温暖的16 美术。17 凉爽18.飞19.结束 二 读一读,选出划线部分发音不同的一项 3分 1 b.cake c.pants 2 a.second b.we