2019四年级下册英语 PEP 期中素质测评

发布 2023-01-18 20:32:28 阅读 4076


人教pep版) 时间:60分钟。

. 选出划线部分发音不同的一项,将序号写在括号里。(10分)

)1. b. cat c. bag

)2. b. water c. tiger

) 3. b. he c. red

)4. a. fish b. window c. rice

) 5. a. bird b. girl c. sister


to bed**睡觉( )floor一楼( )

to 在……上面( )class英语课( )

天气去上学( )

暖和的8. justaminute 快点( )

o’clock 两点整( )10. windy and rainy 刮风又下雨( )

. 根据**提示,选出拼写正确的单词。(20分)

) 1. a. do sports b. do homework c. read books

) 2. a. playground b. library c. classroom

) 3. a. computer b. office c. light

) 4. a. twelve o’clock b. ten o’clock c. eleven o’clock

) 5. a. pe class b. music class c. english class

) 6. a. rainy b. cloudy c. snowy

) 7. a. go home b. get up c. go to bed

) 8. a. windy b. sunny c. rainy

) 9. a. go to school b. get up c. do homework

) 10. a. art room b. playground c. library


1. it’s time (for to) go home.

2. it’s 28 (degree degrees )

3. my new book is (in on) the schoolbag.

4. (where what) is the teachers’ office?

5. it’s nine (o’clock clock) .


) 1. that is___classroom.

a. me b. my

) 2. my classroom is on the __floor.

a. first b. one c. two

) 3. -do you h**e a library

a. yes, it is. b. yes, we do. c. no, it isn’t.

) 4. it’s time __music class.

a .to b. for c. of

) 5. it’s cold __beijing.

a. on b. is c. in

) 4. -wow, your school is cool

a. yes. b. thank you. c. you’re welcome.

) 5. -what’s the weather like today

a. it’s near the desk. b. it’s cool. c. it’sred and yellow.

)6. it’s 7 o’clock. it’s time __go to school.

a. to b. for c. ofw

)7. what __is it? it’s 9:oo.

a. class b. time c. can

)8. -can i go outside

a. no, you can. b. yes, you are. c. no, you can’t

) 9. is that theoffice?

a. teachers b. teach c. teachers’

) 10. -what’s thelike in xi’an? -it’s cloudy.

a. weather b. time c. weether


) 1. is it colda. it’s on the first floor.

) 2. where is your classroom? b. it’s 8:00.

) 3. is this the computer room? c. yes, it’s 4 degrees.

) 4. it’s 7o’clockd. no, it’s the library.

) 5. what time is ite. it’s time for breakfast.

. 阅读短文,判断句子的正(√)误(×)15分)

) 1. this letter(信) is from sam’s father.

) 2. sam’s dad is in australia.

) 3. it’s cold in sydney now.

) 4. sam’s dad can swim outside.

) 5. sam is in sydney, too.


每小题2分 ,共10分。

a a b c c

每小题1分 ,共10分。

每小题2分 ,共20分

1—5 b a a c b 6—10 c a b b c

每小题2分, 共10分

1. to 2. degrees 3. in 4. where 5. o’clock

每小题3分 ,共20分。

1—5 b a b b c 6—10 a b c c a

每小题2分 ,共15分

c a d e b

每小题3分 ,共15分。


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