
发布 2023-01-18 20:33:28 阅读 9035


一、read and judge. tick(√)or cross(×)读单词,判断划线部分的读音是否一致。一致的打√,不一致的打×)

二.read and choose.(选出不同类单词)

) playground b. play c. canteen d. garden

) breakfast b. visitor c. lunch d. dinner

) itb. second c. third d. first

) floor b. your c. my d. our

) washroom b. gym c. board d. art room

) pig c. blue d. green

) b. socks c. five d. seven

) b. pants c. shorts d. nice

)9 b. fan c. board d. light

) b. computer room c. art room room

三、complete the sentences.(用单词的正确形式填空。)

1. this is theteacher) office.

2. that is __i ) t-shirt.

3. how manymusic room) are there in your school?

4. i h**e two new pairs of __sock) on my bed.

5. is this __you) desk?

四、read and finish the sentences.(读句子,根据首字母的提示完成单词。)

c___is it? it’s red.

2. what t___is it? it’s nine o’clock.

3. this is m __sweater.

4. is this y___shirt? yes, it is.

5. it’s time for eclass.

五、read and match. (中英文连线。)

read and write 语文课 fold your dress 看一看。

chinese class 读和写 go to school 叠裙子。

sing and dance 唱和跳 h**e a look 去学校。

h**e a try回家 just a minute 快点。

go home试一试 hurry up再多一会儿。

六.choose the best answer. (单项选择)

) many __are there in your classroom?

a. fan b. computer c. lights

) like the white sweater __the green skirt.

a. at b. to c. with

) 3. it’s time __math class.

a. to b. for c. at

) time __go to school.

a. for b. to c. at

) 5. take __your jacket.

a. off b. in c. on

) 6. where __my skirt?

a. are b. is c .for

) 7. where __my socks?

a. are b. isc. for

) 8. please pass __my t-shirt.

a. me our

)9is it? -oh, it’s your baby brother’s.

a. whose b. when c. what

) h**e a new dress __my birthday party.

a. atb. forc. to

七、read and match. (给问句找答语,写序号。)

)1. what time is ita. it’s on the second floor.

)2. where is the canteen? b. it’s nine o’clock.

)3. how many books are there? c. yes, i do.

)4. do you h**e lunch at school? d. it’s red.

) colour is ite. thirty-eight.

八.rearrange the sentences.(连词成句。)

1. get time to it’s up (.

2. this is school your (?

3. for it’s class time (.

let’s go (.

5. teacher’s that desk is a (.

九.read and choose.(根据情景,选出最佳答案)


a .where is my skirt? b. what is your skirt? c. is this your skirt?

) 2.如果你想让别人快点,你可以对他说:

a. hurry upb. just a minute. c. see you.


a. is that your t-shirt, dad? b. is this your t-shirt,dad?

c. whose is it ?


a. what’s this? b. what time is it? c. what colour is it?

) 5.当你想和别人一起回家时,你可以说:

a..let’s go to the playground. b. let’s go to school.

c. let’s go home.

十、read and write the words in the suitable places.(读短文,选词填空)

chen jie is a chineseshe is __years old. she is __good friend. she hashair(头发) and __eyes.

she is a student in dong fang __the school is beautiful. she likes art class very much. she can draw(画) many nice __on theshe wears (穿) herit’s

十一。reading comprehension.(阅读理解)


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