
发布 2020-03-21 05:34:28 阅读 7393




i. listening test ( 听力部分 ) 50%


10分) ) 1. a. lockb. clock c. book

) 2. a. computer b. picture c. chair

) 3. a. eightb. lightc. right

) 4. a. shirtb. t-shirt c. shorts

) 5. a. doorb. floor c. wall



) he is. b. no, i’m not. c. no, it isn’t.

) on the second floor. b. it’s on the desk .

c. it’s under the tree.

)3. a. there are thirty. b. i’m thirty. c. yes, it is.

)4. a. thank you. b. yes, it is. c. this is my school.

)5. a. yes, it is. it’s a libraryb. yes, it isn’t.

c . no, it isn’t. it’s a gym



) blue .

) is this your skirt, alice?

) where is my skirt?

) yes, it is . thank you.

) what colour is it?

. written test ( 笔试部分 ) 50%


s timechinese class. (for , to )

2. go togarden. water the flowers. (a , the)

3you h**e a library? yes, i do. (do , are )

4. wheremy sweater? (is, are )

5. no, it’s ( no, not)


) 1. is this the washroom

a. yes, it is. b. no, it is. c. no, it isn’t.

) 2. the library is on the __floor.

a. one b. two c. second

) 3. let’s go and

a. h**e look b .h**e a look c. look at

) 4. do you h**e lunch __school?

a. in b. at c. on

( )5. how many __are there in your school?

a. student b. students c. studentes



) 1. it’s time to go to bed ..

) 2. it’s time to get up .

) 3. look , this is our washroom .

) 4. put away your sweater , please !

) is our music room .


a 栏b栏。

) are theya. it's four o'clock.

)2. is your teacher in the classroomb. yes, she is.

) is itc. they are books.

) time is itd. it’s pink.

) colour is his jackete it’s my sister’s .


this is my school day. i get up at 6:30 in the morning.

then i h**e breakfast at seven. i go to school at 7:30.

it’s eight o’clock. it’s time for class. i h**e english class at 9:

00 every day. miss lin is my english teacher. i like her very much.

it’s 4:00 now. it’s time for pe class.

i clean the classroom at 5:10. then i go home at 5:

30. i can’t watch tv in the evening. i go to bed at nine.

( )1. i go to school at 7:00.

) 2. i clean the classroom at 5:00.

) 3. miss lin is my chinese teacher.

) 4. i go to bed at 9:00.

) 5. i watch tv in the evening.


2016 2017学年第二学期期中质量检测。四年级英语试卷。班级姓名。本试卷共4页,满分100分,考试时间为40分钟。1 listen and circle.听句子,圈出相关的 或单词。12分 5.computer eraser winter 6.girl birth nurse 二 listen ...


pep小学英语四年级下册期中模拟测试卷。姓名班级成绩。一 根据录音内容,圈出相应的 10分 二 根据录音,判断是否与录音相符,相符的写 t 不相符的写 f 10分 三 听录音,根据内容在相应的格子上写 t 10分 四 根据你所听到的问题,将正确的答语选出来。10分 笔试部分。一 根据 内容选择合适的...


基础百花园 36分 一 给下列加点字选择正确的读音,打 3分 率 shu i sh i 领杜甫 f p蝴蝶 di d i 成绩 j j范仲 zh ng zh ng 淹供 g ng g ng 给。二 读拼音,写词语。8分 三 照例子给下列字加上偏旁构成新字,再组词。9分 例 乔 侨 华侨 娇 娇气 骄...