
发布 2020-09-29 12:36:28 阅读 6983




1、listen and circle.听句子,圈出相关的**或单词。(12分)

5. computer eraser winter 6. girl birth nurse

二、listen and number.听句子,将**用数字1--5排序。(10分)

三、listen and answer.听句子,选择恰当的回答。(10分)

) thank you. b. okc. it’s on the first floor.

) no,we don’t. b. yes, it isc. yes, it isn’t.

) it’s 7:05 b. it’s too late. c. it’s time for school

) no, it isn’t. b. it’s white. c. it’s hot and sunny.

) yes, we do. b. yes, it isc.

no, it isn’t.四、listen and tick.听对话,勾出(√)与对话内容相符的**。


五、听录音,根据你听到的对话内容,给下列各城市的天气情况打√。 10分)

六、read and sort.读一读,选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)

) 1. a. teachers’ office b. library c. music room d. living room

) 2. a. coolb. cold warm

) 3. a. firstb. six c.

) 4. a. london b. sunny c. moscow d. sydney

) 5. a. go to bed b. breakfast c. lunch d. dinner

七、read and complete sentences.读句子,根据句子意思和**的提示,选择合适的单词写在四线格内。(10分)

八、read and complete the dialogue. 读对话,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将选项的序号直接写在横线上,其中有一个选项是多余的。(8分)

mum: amy, hurry up.

amy: mum. 1

mum:it’s 6:40. it’s time to get up .

amy: ok, i’ll get up, mum.

mum: it’s sunny and is ready. let’s eat

amy: just a minute.

mum: but it’s 7:00. you will be late.(会迟到)

amy: 3

mum: oh,it’s 7:20. 4

amy: ok!bye,mom.

mum: bye.

9、read and do.读读做做。(16分)


hello, everyone! today it’s windy and cold. so we don’t go to the playground.

this is our classroom. it’s on the first floor. there is a jacket on the teacher’s desk.

i drink some water. it’s warm. it’s 10 o’clock now.

it’s time __for/to) music class. our music room is on the second floor. it’s next to the teachers’ office.

i must go now!


) 1. it’s windy and warm today.

) 2. the jacket is on the desk.

) 3. the water is very warm.

) 4. the music room is next to the classroom.



6:30 amit’s time to go to school.

7:00 amit’s time to get up.

7:30 amit’s time for lunch.

12:10 pmit’s time to go to bed.

5:05 pmit’s time for breakfast.

9:00 pmit’s time to go home.

十、watch and write. 照例子,写句子。注意书写规范和标点。(6分)

听力材料。一。listen and circle.听句子,圈出相关的**或单词。

is our art room.

4 o’clock. it’s time to go home.

it’s hot and sunny.

are carrots.

h**e an eraser.

mother is a nurse.

二。 listen and number.听句子,将**用数字1--5排序。

to the playground. play football.

time for music class. let’sing and dance.

the weather like in new york? it’s cloudy.

classrooms are on the second floor.

is ready.

三、listen and answer.听句子,选择恰当的回答。

is the teachers’office?

that the computer room?

time is it?

the weather like in qian’an?

you h**e a library?

四、listen and tick.听对话,勾出(√)与对话内容相符的**。

up! it’s time for english class.

i’m ready. let’s go.

is my classroom.

wow! it’s so big.

can i go outside now?

no, you can’t. it’s cold and snowy.

time is it?

oh! it’s 9 o’clock. it’s time to go to bed.


good morning. this is the weather report. it’s cloudy in beijing.

it’s windy in lhasa. it’s rainy in shanghai. it’s sunny in kunming.

it’s snowy in harbin.


听力部分 50 i.listen and match.听音连线。听情境对话,判断服装在哪个房间。10 编辑注 let s do部分的内容原则上不列入考查范围 iii.listen and choose the right answer.听录音,选择相应的答句,并把序号填入括号内。10 ...


听力部分 50 i.listen and match.听音连线。听情境对话,判断服装在哪个房间。10 编辑注 let s do部分的内容原则上不列入考查范围 iii.listen and choose the right answer.听录音,选择相应的答句,并把序号填入括号内。10 ...


浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区新塍镇洛东小学韩瑞珍。听力部分 50 i.listen and match.听音连线。听情境对话,判断服装在哪个房间。10 编辑注 let s do部分的内容原则上不列入考查范围 iii.listen and choose the right answer.听录音,选择相应的答句,...