
发布 2020-09-29 12:38:28 阅读 8457

第二学期四年级英语期中练习题 (二)

grade classname成绩书写成绩

听力部分。. listen and number.(请根据听到的内容,为下列**排序。)10%

ii. listen and tick.(请根据听到的内容,找出相应的**,并在括号里画“√”表示。)10

. listen and fill the blank.(请根据听到的内容,在正确的空格里面填v。)12%

. listen and fill in the blanks.(请根据听到的内容,填上缺少的单词。)10%

1. don’t touch the __they are very dangerous. and __these __don’t touch

2. a boy isin the library. don’t __here, please.

3. thisis very beautiful. that one is __and

4. what did lingling’s parents play? _played the erhu. andplayed the pipa.

5. what are youwe’reawhat’snow? amy is

. listen and put the words in the right order.(听音,连词成句。)10%

/ sam / yesterday / football 2. field /a man / came / the / to 3. ice / he /an/ cream /yesterday/ bought

/ people / the / to / the / run/ field /she/ ran / the / door/ and/ away

. listen and circle. (你将听到两篇小短文,请根据听到的内容,圈出正确答案前的字母标号。)

1. what did amy play? a played the violin b play the piano

2. was she nervous? a yes, she wasb no, she wasn’t

was tilly ? a a mouseb a girl

2. where was tilly go? a she went into a shop. b she went to school

笔答部分。. read and match.(读一读,连一连。)8%

i am playing the computer

we’re going to h**e a picnic

daming is younger than amy.

we’re going to play the erhu

ⅸ. read and choose.(读一读,将正确答案的字母标号写在题前的括号里。)10%

) played piano in a concert . a. two b. the c. /

) the machines . a. touch b. touches c. touched

) are too many computers . it's diffcult to b. for c. with

) can take the new computer school my bike .a. on b. in c. at

) dress is very nice. it costs one thousand yuan. it’s very __a.

expensive b. cheap c. big

v. read andwrite 选词填空 (5分)

1. this computer's got ascreen .

but it's very

computer 's got ascreen .

but it'sand very

. read and draw“√”or “×读一读,判断句子是否符合短文大意,如符合用“√”表示,反之用“×”表示。)

ben is talking with the ailen (外国人)dim .

dim : i don’t like winter here .

ben : why not ? because it is too cold ?

dim : no , because i can't eat fruit everyday . i can't eat bananas .

bananas are my f**ourite fruit .

ben : but , that's easy . we can go to africa .

(非洲) the bananas there are bigger than here in asia .(亚洲)

dim : really ?but it is also winter in africa now .

ben : no. seasons are different places at the same time .

when is winter here in asia , it is summer in africa .

dim : i'll live in africa when it is winter in africa . i can eat bananas.

ben : then you are just like a migratoy bird .(候鸟)

) 1. dim is a robot .

( )2. dim doesn't like the winter in asia because he thinks it too cold .

( )3. the bananas in africa are smaller than asia .

( )4. dim likes eating bananas the best .

( )5. dim wants to live in africa in autumn .


my special day

四年级下学期语文练习 期中

一 给下面加点字注音。奔流挠痒水磨央求 其义自现。2 圈出正确的字。眉 稍梢 稍梢 微 慌荒 无人烟雄心 壮状 志。三 补全词语。路途善诱相处。四 在括号里填上合适的关联词。1 不能向工冶长那样得到大肥羊的犒赏,能跟鸟儿谈谈心,是很快意的。2 机器人被人们誉为 千里眼 顺风耳 飞毛腿 铁隔壁它具有一...

四年级下学期语文练习 三

一 照样子写词语。翩翩飞翔。地久天长。严严实实。无拘无束。二 引号的作用常见的有3中,引用 表示强调 表示否定或特殊含义。判断与段中的引号的作用,把序号写在横线上。春天,布谷鸟 布谷 布谷 a地叫着,那分明是在对我说 种田织布 勤劳刻苦 b,真有意思!难怪爷爷总说,鸟儿是会 说话 c的。啊,如果我是...


一 字 词 句。1 读拼音,写词语。10分 u rj l ngg nch y ji ncu cch hu p su g ngj ngj ji n d s2 在加点字的正确读音下画 6分 呕吐 t t 压根儿 y y 半晌 sh ng xi ng 尽量 j n j n 瓶塞 s is 模仿 m m 3...