
发布 2020-09-30 12:35:28 阅读 6180


说明:考试时间40 分钟,卷面满分100分,书写分3分。

听力部分 (50分)


sarah is introducing her school.她介绍了哪些功能室呢?请听录音,编号,对话读两遍。


sarah is talking about her school life.请听录音,对的打“√”错的打“x”,每题读两遍。

三。听录音, 打“√”10分)

zhang peng is talking about her school timetable.请根据录音内容在表上打“√”对话读两遍。

四。听录音, 连线 ( 10 分)

sarah and her friends are talking about clothes. 请根据录音内容,把人物和他们喜欢的衣物连起来。 短文读两遍。

五。听录音, 填空 ( 10 分)

sarah and her friends are very happy at school. 请听录音,在横线上写出所缺的单词,短文读三遍。

hello, i’m sarah. oh! it’s 7now.

it’s time toi h**eat home. today is sunny. i go towith my friends.

we can h**eclass , and chinese class at school. we h**eat 12:00.

i like reading books. i read books in theand we can play on thewe are very happy at school.

笔试部分 (50分)

一。 请看图,选句子,在括号里写阿拉伯数字。(10分)

a. it’s time for dinner. let’s eat some rice

b. hi! i’m chenjie. look! i can hang up my skirt.

c. it’s 12:00 now. it’s time for lunch.

can fold my dress.

e. school is over. let’s go to the playground and play basketball.

二。 请根据提示填入所缺的单词。 (10分)

1. what colour is your裙子) ?it’s yellow.

2. is this your夹克衫) ?yes, it is.

3. let’s water the flowers in the花园)

4. let’s do some sports in the体育馆).

5. school is over. let’s go回家).

6. “put your牛仔裤) and短裤)there, john.”

7. where is the卫生间)? it’s on the second floor.

8. we h**e a new电脑) room. look at the写字板).

三。 请看图选句子,请选择正确的句子并把字母编号写在横线上。(10分)

a. no, it isn’t. b. it’s white. c. this way, please.

d. it’s on the second floor. e. what time is it ?

四。 请仔细读下列对话并判断正误,对的写 “t”,错的写“f”.(10分)

amy: mom, do you see my dress ?

mom: what colour ?

amy: the green one.

mom: look! it’s on the chair. your skirt is on the chair, too. please put them away.

amy: ok, mom. look at the pants under the bed. are these father’s pants ?

mom: what colour are they ?

amy: they are white.

mom: oh, yes. who brings(带来) them here ?

amy: oh! i see. it’s mimi.

mimi: meow, meow, meow.

) 1. amy’s yellow dress is on the chair.

) 2. amy’s skirt is on the chair, too.

) 3. the white pants are under the bed.

) 4. the pants are amy’s mother’s.

) 5. mimi is a girl.

五。 请阅读下列短文,并选出适当的选项。 (10分)

hello! i’m tom. this is my school.

it’s big and beautiful. i like it very much. it’s 7:

00 now. it’s time for school. my classroom is on the first floor.

there are forty-two students in our class. i h**e four classes in the morning and i h**e three classes in the afternoon. i like class.

i like football very much. i don’t like singing. i don’t like music class.

at 12:00 noon. i h**e lunch in the school canteen.

after the lunch, we can h**e a rest in the bedroom. at 5:30, school is over.

we can go home.

) time does tom go to school?

a. it’s seven thirty. b. it’s seven o’clock. c. it’s six o’clock.

)2. where is tom’s classroom ?

a. there are forty-two. b. it’s 7:00. c. it’s on the first floor.

) tom like music class ?

a. yes, he does. b. no, he doesn’t. c. tom likes class.

)4. how many students are there in tom’s class ?

a. the classroom is on the first floor. b. it’s big and beautiful.

c. there are forty-two.

)5. does tom like his school?

a. no, he doesn’t. b. yes, he does. c. yes, he likes.


你几岁了?b.他几岁了?c.她几岁了?这些是什么?b.这些是菠萝。c.这些是桃子。我想要些苹果。b.我想要些香蕉。c.我想要些橘子。她的职业是什么?b.她是工人。c.他是工人。那个女孩是谁?b.你是一名学生吗?c.她是一位教师。d.听录音,补全对话。听三遍 10分 a is that your b ...

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