
发布 2020-09-30 12:36:28 阅读 6943




) the morning b、in the afternoon c、in the evening

) housework b、do my homework c、clean the house

)9. a、go running b、grow foodsc、go swimming

) go to school from monday to sunday b、i go to school from monday to friday

c、i go to school from sunday to friday



) eight o’clockb、it’s saturday c、 at sever thirty

) s mondayb、at 12:00c、 in the afternoon

) i dob、yes, we arec 、yes, i am

) time to watch tv b、it’s sundayc、 i clean the house

).a、it’s sundayb、at 8:00c 、i usually play football

).a、i love songsb、at 2:30c 、two chinese lessons



1、i oftenmy friends on sunday.

2、iup at 7:00 in the morning.

3、there are sevenin a

4、ihelp my parents do

5、we h**e alesson onmorning.


) f**ourite day is monday.

)2may has a music lesson on monday afternoon.

) computer teacher is kind

) often goes running with her parents after school

) never does her homework on monday evening.




1. it’s time (to, for) h**e dinner

2. we often (has, h**e ) two chinese lessons on monday.

3. they usually go runningafter,often) school

4. what dayis,are) it today?

5. what (do,are) you usually do on sunday?

6. they often do gardeningon,at) home.

7what,who) lessons do you h**e today?

8what,what’s) your f**ourite day?


1. is friday your f**ourite day?

2. what day is it today?

3. what do you usually do on saturday evening?

4. what time do you usually get up?

5. how many maths lessons do you h**e on monday?


peter: hi , annie. you often play sports?

annie: yes, i often go swimming with my father.

peterdo you go swimming?

annie: usuallysaturday and sunday.

peter: look at that girla red t-shirtshe?

anniemy sister, mary. she likes running

12、看ben 星期一课程表,判断下列句子是否与所给信息相一致,如一致,请在括号内写“t”或者“f”。(6%)

) has a maths lesson on monday.

) has a music lesson on monday.

) has an art lesson on monday afternoon.

) has an english lesson form 9:40 to10:20.

) has two chinese lessons on monday morning

) has six lessons on monday..


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