
发布 2020-03-21 05:45:28 阅读 2937




二、根据录音,判断是否与录音相符,相符的写“t”, 不相符的写“f”。(10分)

三、 听录音,根据内容在相应的格子上写“t”。(10分)


笔试部分。一、 根据**内容选择合适的单词写在四线格里。(5分)

二、选出不同类型的单词。 (5分)

三、 选择填空(10分)

) teacher’s office isfloor.

a. the first b. first c. on the first.

) 2. -is it warm today

a. no, he isn’t. b. yes, it is. c. yes, it do.

) 3is it now?

-- it’s 5:00.

a. whatb. what time c. how much

)4. it’s timego to school.

a. for b. toc. on

)5. it’s 5: it’s time dinner

a. for b. toc. on

)6students are there in your school?

a. how b. how many c. what

)7. we can read books in the

a. library b. art room c. canteen

)8. it’s 30 degrees. it’stoday.

a. hot b. cold c. cool

)9. what’s the weather like in yangjiang today?

a. yes, it is. b. it’s warm inside. c. it’s cool and windy.

)10. -can i go outside?

it’s rainy outside.

a. no, you can’t. b. no, you don’t. c. yes, you can.

四、 请选择正确的答案序号填在括号里。(10分)

六、 连词成句。(10分)

1、 is where computer room the (?

2、h**e at i 12 o’clock lunch (.

3、the is what weather in london like (?

4、 room go let’s the music to (.

5、 can h**e soup some i (?

七、 阅读文段,选择正确的答案把编号填在括号里。(10分)


1. it’s cold outside.

2. today it’s rainy.

3. can i go outside? yes, it’s warm.

4. it’s time to h**e english class.

5. we read books in the library.

二、1. it’s cold and snowy in beijing.

2. it’s rainy. i stay at home.

3. it’s 7. it’s time for breakfast.

4. look at the computer room.

5. we go home at 4:30.

三、good morning. here’s the weather report. today it’s cloudy in shanghai.

shenzhen is rainy and windy. it’s sunny in beijing. it’s cold and snowy in dalian.

hongkong is cool and windy.

四、1. is there a cat on the wall?

2. can i h**e lunch now?

3. what is the weather like today?

4. how many students are there in your class?

5. where’s my pen?

答案:一、b, a, b, a, b

二、t, f, t, t, f

三、四、b, a, a, a, b笔试:一、

二、a, b, a, b, a,三、c, b, b, b, a, b, a, a, c, a

四、c, e, d, a, b

五、a, b, b, a, a

六、七、b, a, b, a, b


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