
发布 2020-03-21 05:47:28 阅读 5245



听力部分。一.听录音排序,按单词在句子中提到的顺序,在括号里标号。(10 )

stapler big history call play

fly birthday today badminton violin


) 5. dance6. mice ( 7. zoo (


1. 1. a: what day is it today ? b: it’s

2. :are youb: yes, i am .

3. a : do you likeb: yes, i do.

4. a: do you play basketball onb: no, i don’t.

5. a: who’s he ? b: he’s her

1. 四.听对话,选择与对话相同的句子,并把正确的字母编号填在左边的括号里。(20 )

) 1. a. yes, it isb. no,it isn’t .

2. a. whose bag is itb. where is your box?

3. a. is your sister hotb. are you tall ?

4. a. she’s my motherb. he’s my father.

5. a. yes, you canb. no, you can’t.

6. a. thank youb. no, sorry.

) 7. a. i like chineseb. he likes math ?

) 8. a. what day is it todayb. what’s the date today ?

( )9. a. do you like balloonsb. do you like to read?

( )10. a. no, she doesn’tb. yes, he does.

笔试部分 五.单词运用。根据句子的意思和中文提示,在横线上填上适当的单词,使句子完整、正确。(20 )

1. 1. my sister is口渴的).

2. he plays baseball on星期六) .

3. they看) tv every night. .

买) some food every monday.

5. i like英语).

6. my sister听) to muic on thursday.

7. are these尺子).

brothers often (经常吃) noodles in the morning.

9. he uses computer(电脑) on星期日).

弹 )the piano on friday .


a: who’s he

b: he’s my brother .

a: (1a: he wants a computer game.

b: (2a: (3but i like

b: (4a: we h**e eight subjects.

b:(5a: it’s six o’clock.

b: ok! i h**e to go now. bye !

a: see you !


八. 阅读短文并判断对错,打“√”或“×”

there are four people in my family. they’re my father, my mother, my sister and i. my parents are doctors.

they work in the same hospital. they go to work at 6:30 and come home late every day.

my sister and i are students. she is in grade six and i’m in grade five. we go to school in my father’s car every morning and come home from school on foot in the afternoon.

we are good students at school. we are good children at home, too. on saturday and sunday, we go to the parkwith parents.

) 1. there are four people in my family.

) 2. i h**e a brother.

) 3. my parents are teachers.

( )4. my sister and i are in the same grade.(相同的年级)

( )5. we don’t go to school on sunday.


固原市原州区第十二小学期中测试卷英语。姓名班级得分 一 补全单词。10分 e 居住 t 左边 n 能够,会 鸡蛋 a 中国 at 船 y 买 d 读,阅读 ll 小山 n 跑,奔跑 二 给下列单词填上 ing。20分 形式形式。形式形式。形式形式。ing形式形式。形式10.row ing形式 三 选...


姓名班级等级 选出正确的单词或短语,将序号写在 中。10分 1.紫色 a purple b pink c point 2.谈话 a talk b take c turn 3.写 a write b white c winner 4.十五 a thirteen b fourteen c fifteen...


2014 2015学年度第一学期期中质量检测小学四年级。一 我能行 按字母表顺序,用手写体写出26个英文大小写字母 13分 二 火眼金睛 从下列单词中选出不同类的单词,把正确答案的字母标号写在题前的括号中。15 分 1.a.beside b.between c.straight fastb.run ...