
发布 2020-03-21 06:18:28 阅读 8858





一、 听音选词语。(10点)

) 1. aagainbalsoc april

) 2. a ateb print c invent

) 3. a cleanb climb c call

) 4. a bicycle b bought c brought

) 5. a mountain b mexico c matter

二、 听问句选答句(10点)

) 1. a. she lives in london. b. she lived in london.

) 2. i wasn’t.

) 3. a. he’s reading a letter. b. he reads a letter.

) 4. a. they’re boats. b. it’s a boat.

) 5. a. yes, i dob . yes, i can.

三、 听音,填空:(10点)

stayed raining sundays was ride bike yesterday didn’t football usually

on___i __play __in the park. but i __play football __and i usually ride my __but i didn’t __it yesterday. iti __at home.


四、 选择适当的字母:(10点)

)1 imp__tant a oo b ar c or

)2 fini__ a sh b th c gh

)3 d__ty a ia b ea c ir

)4 we__t an bl c t

)5 __pril a a b a c e

)6 ameri__ a can b ean c oin

)7 yest__day a ir b er c or

)8 bi __le acic bcyc c ycy

)9 m__tain a aun b oun c eun

)10 pap___a er b re c ar


1 go过去式2 see过去式___

3 walk单数第三人称形式4 eat过去式___

5 dance现在分词6 buy过去式___

7 photo复数8 invent过去式___

9 play过去式10 clean反义词___


1.didn’t at half six get up past.

2. i my yesterday cleaned

3. ***** invented chinese people

4. the great wall went we

5.1839 bicycle this he in

八、 阅读判断,与短文相符写t,不相符的写f (10点)

dear amy,yesterday,we went on a school trip.

we went wore clothes-trousers and a sweater.

the ice was very cold.

first,i fell it didn’t i learnt to was easy!and i didn’t fall over again!it was really fun.


) letter is from amy.

) didn’t go on a school trip yesterday.

) thought skate was hard.

) wore a t-shirt.




1 also 2 clean 3 print 4 bought 5 mountain


1 where does she live ?

2 was he an american ?

3 what’s he doing?

4 what are they?

5 can you catch the ball?


stayed raining sundays was ride bike yesterday didn’t football usually

on sundays, i usually play football in the park. but i didn’t play football yesterday. and i usually ride my bike.

but i didn’t ride it yesterday. it was raining ! i stayed at home.


一 请在四线格中正确书写单词。5分 kite desk window notebook hair 二 请为下面的汉语选择正确的单词朋友吧!15分 1.窗户 2.鞋子 3.钥匙 4.故事书 5.眼镜 6.图画 a.wall b.picture 7.强壮的 8.教室 9.风扇 10.笔记本 book 1...


姓名班级等级 选出正确的单词或短语,将序号写在 中。10分 1.紫色 a purple b pink c point 2.谈话 a talk b take c turn 3.写 a write b white c winner 4.十五 a thirteen b fourteen c fifteen...


2018 2019学年度第二学期期中教学诊断检测。小学四年级英语试题 60分钟 同学们,下面我们将有一次美妙的知识之旅,让我们一起走进试卷,展示自己半学期的学习成果吧!做题时要细心,书写要规范,加油!听力部分。一 听录音,选单词或词组。二 听录音,选择相应的 4.ab 5.ab 三 听录音,选出你所...