
发布 2020-09-29 06:08:28 阅读 2814




e(居住 t(左边)

n(能够,会 (鸡蛋)

a(中国 at(船)

y(买 d(读,阅读)

ll(小山 n(跑,奔跑)




形式10. row(-ing形式)


) 1. a. leftb. rowc. right

) 2. a. upb. downc. supermarket

) 3. a. trainb. station c. bus

) blueb rulerc green

) 5. a. dumpingb. carc. bike


) liveno.2 park street.

a. from b. on c. at

) at these .

a. picture b. pictures c. to picture

) is a toy train.

a. playing with b. play with c. playing

( )can see interesting things.

of c. lots of

( )5.-do you like apples?

a. yes, i don’t. b. yes, please. c. yes, i am.

) is listening music.

a. tob. atc. with

( )7.-where are you, tom?

-i’m the tree.

a. behind b. fromc. with

) like football.

a. playingb. playc. plays

) the people in the park..

a. inb. onc. at

) are they ?

a. tob. to doc. doing

)11. ice is very nice.

a. creamb. withc. at

( )12. this dog lost.

a. isb. arec. am

)13. he’s reading a book china.

a. tob. aboutc. at

)14. you welcome.

a. isb. amc. are

) 15、they’re soya milk.

a. drinkingb. doing c. eating


) 1. the train is up the hill.


) next to a supermarket.

a. 它在超市后面b.它紧靠超市旁边。

) like playing football.


)4. he’s taking pictures.


)5. they’re drinking soya milk!



) are you doinga. it’s ten yuan.

) much is itb. yes, please.

)3. let’s get on the busc. he’s behind the door.

) you want some rice? d. i’m talking to my friend.

) same. ok.

七、 阅读理解,判断正(t)误(f )。10分)

my name is tom. i can play football. my father can play basketball.

my mother can make dumplings. my little brother xiaowei can sing . my sister is maomao.

she can draw. my little sister lanlan can take pictures. we all like her.

) can play basketball.

) mother can make dumplings.

) little brother can jump.

) sister maomao can draw.

) little sister lanlan can take pictures.


2013 2014学年度第一学期四年级英语期中调研题。答卷时间60分钟,满分100分 听力部分。一 听录音排序,按单词在句子中提到的顺序,在括号里标号。10 stapler big history call play fly birthday today badminton violin 二二 听句...


姓名班级等级 选出正确的单词或短语,将序号写在 中。10分 1.紫色 a purple b pink c point 2.谈话 a talk b take c turn 3.写 a write b white c winner 4.十五 a thirteen b fourteen c fifteen...


2014 2015学年度第一学期期中质量检测小学四年级。一 我能行 按字母表顺序,用手写体写出26个英文大小写字母 13分 二 火眼金睛 从下列单词中选出不同类的单词,把正确答案的字母标号写在题前的括号中。15 分 1.a.beside b.between c.straight fastb.run ...