
发布 2020-09-29 06:05:28 阅读 3021


.选出正确的单词或短语,将序号写在( )中。(10分)

)1. 紫色 a.purple b.pink c. point

)2. 谈话 a. talk b.take c.turn

)3. 写 a.write b.white c.winner

)4. 十五 a.thirteen b.fourteen c.fifteen

)5. 玩 a.picture b.play c.please

)6. 有 a. got b. is c. h**e

)7. 好的 a.all right b.hello c.hi

)8. 回家 a.go home b.go to school c.go to the park

)9.看电视 a.watch tv b.read a book c.listen to music

)10. 写信a.write a letter b.take pictures c.play with toys


) do you want somewhat are you doing,mum?

) yes,pleasehe’s ****** dumplings.

) i’m ****** dumplings.

a what are you doing? b what is he doing? c do you want some noodles?

d. yes ,please. e.

i’m cooking.

. 判断下列句子是否正确,正确的在题前的括号内写“t”,错误的在题前的号内写“f” .10分)

)1. i'm from uk.

)2 . what are you doing?

)3. this is da ming.

)4. where are you doing ?

)5. may i h**e two rice?

. 根据句意填写出括号内正确的单词 (10分)

( a playing, b china ,c breakfast, d fifteen, e writing )

) h**e15本 ) books .

) boy is打 ) basketball .

) is写 ) a letter .

) is h**ing早餐 )。

) is from中国。

v 翻译下列短语(10分)


2. do my homework

3. go to bed

4. go home

5. all right

vi 二、英译汉(20分)

house___road___excuse me___




vii 数字搭配(10分)

)twenty-threea. 48

)thirtyb. 36

) thirty-sixc. 30

) fortyd. 21

) forty- eight e. 40

) twenty –one f. 23

) thirteeng. 20

) fifteenh. 19

) nineteeni. 13

) twentyj. 15

viii. 根据意思找出合适的答语, 完成对话。 (10分)

a. no, i am not. b. yes, i h**e. c. yes, i do.

d. no, she isn’t.. e. yes, he is.

)1. a: h**e you got a tigerb

)2. a: are you ****** dumplingsb

)3. a: do you like bananasb

)4. a: is he runningb

)5. a: is lingling writing a letter? b

ix翻译句子。(10 分)

1 where are you from?

2 what's the time?

s h**e some fruit?

4 may i h**e two french fries.

5 what are you doing?

附加题抄写句子。(10 分)

1 look at the people in the park.

2 what are they doing?

3 they are playing chess.

4 what are they drinking?

5 do you want some rice?

1. 失误原因我会找:①不会 ②粗心 ③考试紧张 ④时间不够 ⑤其它。

2. 我的不足,我要改正。

3. 我的骄傲。

4. 家长寄语。


2013 2014学年度第一学期四年级英语期中调研题。答卷时间60分钟,满分100分 听力部分。一 听录音排序,按单词在句子中提到的顺序,在括号里标号。10 stapler big history call play fly birthday today badminton violin 二二 听句...


固原市原州区第十二小学期中测试卷英语。姓名班级得分 一 补全单词。10分 e 居住 t 左边 n 能够,会 鸡蛋 a 中国 at 船 y 买 d 读,阅读 ll 小山 n 跑,奔跑 二 给下列单词填上 ing。20分 形式形式。形式形式。形式形式。ing形式形式。形式10.row ing形式 三 选...


温馨提示 小朋友们,今天我们将共同完成本次期中考试的试 题,相信大家一定能够认真听 努力做 开动脑。筋,交出一份工整满意的答卷。加油啊!听力部分 30点 一 听音选词语。10点 1.aagainbalsoc april 2.a ateb print c invent 3.a cleanb climb...