
发布 2020-03-21 06:19:28 阅读 8565



考试时间 40分钟,满分 100 分)

班级姓名。part one listening(50%)

一、 listen and number. 听音,给下面的**标号(2×6=12分)。

二、 listen and choose. (请根据听到的内容找出相应的**并在括号里画√表示。)(2×6=12分)

三、listen and choose.听音,把正确**的字母代号写在括号里。(1×6=6分)

四、listen and choose the word that doesn’t belong.听音选择,找出划线部分读音与其他两个发音不同的单词(2×5=10分)。

1. a. car b. farm c. hat

2. a. wheat b. vegetables c. whale

3. a. thin b. thank c. these

4. a. coat b. note c. like

5. a. sun b. circle c. skirt

五、listen and reorder the words and write the sentences correctly. (请根据听到的内容把单词重新排序组成句子写在四线格中。)(2×5=10分)

part two reading and writing(50%)

一、choose and write. 看图选择正确的单词。(2×5=10分)


三、i can find out the words. 找到单词并圈出来,至少找出六个单词 (2×6=12分)注意:横排和竖排都有可能哦!

四、read and choose. 阅读理解 (2×5=10分)

my name is harry. i am from england. my father is a farmer.

we h**e a big farm. on the farm we h**e sheep and horses. my mother is a doctor.

she works in a hospital. she helps sick people. i h**e a brother, ben, and a sister, jane.

we go to school in our town. rex is my dog. he and i help my father on the farm.

is harry’s brother? a. benb. jane

is harry’s sister? a. benb. jane

works in a hospital? a. his mother b. his father

is a farmera. his mother b. his father

the dog’s name? a. harry b. rex


) yes. do you h**e any shoes?

) can i help you?

) size 20, please.

) yes, we do. what size do you want?

) here you are.


part one listening(50%)

一、listen and number. 听音,给下面的**标号(2×6=12分)。

1. it’s too cold today. i need to wear trousers.

2. what does she do? she is a singer.

3. do you h**e any dresses? yes, we do.

4. is your father a doctor? no, he is a policeman.

5. do you see the squirrels? yes, i do.

6. what does your father do? he is a farmer.

答案: a.( 6b.( 4c.( 2 )

d.( 1e.( 3f.( 5 )

二、listen and choose. (请根据听到内容找出相应**并在括号里画√表示。)(2×6=12分)

1. my sister is a nurse. she is a good nurse.

2. are they your jeans? no, they are too small, they are my baby brother’s.

3. look! is my new skirt nice? it’s cheap, not expensive.

4. what size do you want? size forty, please.

5. he likes his rabbit. it’s so cute.

6. do you h**e any shoes? yes, we do.

答案: 1. a.( b. (2. a.( b3. a.( b. (

4. a.(√b5. a.( b6. a.( b. (

三、listen and choose. 听音,把正确**的字母代号写在括号里(1×6=6分)。

1、they eat grassb )

2、the giraffe is very tall. (c )

3、i don’t eat grass. i eat rabbits. (d )

4、i love pandas. they are cutea )

5、they eat seeds, nuts and le**es. some squirrels also eat insects. (e )

6、they can jump. they are from australia. (f )


2009 2010学年度第一学期期中教学质量检测。小学四年级英语试题 pep 说明 本试题满分100分,期中听力部分45分 笔试部分50分 卷面分5分。听力部分 45分 一 听一听,选一选。听录音选出所听到的单词或者词组。每个小题读两遍。5分 job a is my book.hair 二 听一听,...


蜀光绿盛实验学校2013年下期。一 知识 基础 37分 1.读拼音,写词语。10分 l ba zh ji n s y z o y f i t ng p tao sh u ru sh ng d n r ng m o w r n 2.比一比,再组词。7分 脑肠遍悟。恼荡偏梧。霜。箱。3.我会查字典。3分...


一 写出单词的正确拼写。12分 1 果酱j2 找到f 3 老师t4 医生d 5 书包b6 自行车。二 补全短语。12分 1 拉小提琴the violin 2 看书 a book 3 骑自行车a bike 4 唱歌 a song 5 去图书馆go to the6 弹钢琴 play the 三 对话匹配...