
发布 2023-01-19 00:00:28 阅读 2054

一、 写出单词的正确拼写。(12分)





1、拉小提琴the violin 2、看书___a book

3、骑自行车a bike 4、唱歌___a song

5、去图书馆go to the6、弹钢琴 play the


) 1. what’s wronga. how do you do?

) 2. who’s thatb. yes, i’m all right.

) 3. are you all rightc. h**e a nice day.

) 4. good-byed. i can’t find my car.

) 5. how do you doe. i don’t know.

) 6. whose ball is thisf. she’s mrs. smith.


) 1. pass __the milk

a. my b. i c. me

) 2. what’slunch

a. of b. for c. after

) 3. are youyes, we are.

a. a student b. students c. the students

) 4do that again

a. don’t b. not c. do not

) 5. do you like reading books? yes

a. i like b. i do c. i don’t

) 6. she __to school at seven

a. go b. goes c. going


1. what’s theone) class?

2. i likeplay) the piano.

3. hesing) very well

4. is this你的书包)?

5. it’sken的) cap

6他的) bag is red.



a. nice to meet you. b. what’s your name?

c. how do you do?


a. please sit down beside ken.

b. please pass me the milk.

c. please put the milk on the table.


a. thanks b. you’re welcome. c. that’s right.


a. that is my mom. b. this is my mom.

c. this is my sister.


a. that’s all rightb. i’m on time

c. sorry, i’m late.


1. a: _this your bike? b: yes, it is

2. a: _she a doctor?. b: no, she is not.

3. a: robo, pass __the jam,please. b: ok, here you are.

4. ayou tomorrow. b: so long.


1. like, i, oranges .

2. doctor , is , she , a .

3. meet , nice , you , to , too .

4. are , you , welcome

5. music , like , you , do

6. tomorrow , you , see




my name is . i’m years old. i like applesand oranges.

i don’t like pears. there are (有) five people (人) in my family. my爸爸妈妈哥哥妹妹) and i我) h**e a good friend(朋友).

她的) name is .


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