
发布 2023-01-18 23:58:28 阅读 3649



) 1a blackboard b wall

2a bookb toy

) 3a glasses b shoes

) 4a schoolbag b storybook

) 5a computer b fan


1. 窗户 w nd w 2. 计算机 c mp ter

3. 书包 sch lbag 4. 强壮的 str g 5. 鞋 sh es


) 1. my bag is blue. a. yellow b. red c. cat

) 2. john is strong. a. glasses b . thin c. tall

) 3. i like englisha. chinese b. maths c. candy

) 4. open the doora. window b. quiet c. light

) 5. my shoes are white. a. glasses b .friendly c. hat


) 1、 mike : nice to meet you .

johna. nice to meet you,too. b. good morning . c. hi

) 2、let___clean the board.

a. meb. myc. i

) 3.、how many __do you h**e?

a.math books b math book c a math book

) 4is it? -it’s red.

a. whatb. where c. what colour

) 5、lookthe blackboard!

a. at bc. to

) 6、we __a new classroom.

a. h**e b. hasc. had

) 7、--i h**e two

a. friend b. bookc. books

) 8is my pencil?

---it’s under your book. x k b o m

a. what b . wherec . who

) 9、i h**eenglish book andstory-book.

a. a , ab. an , an c. an , a

) 10、--what`s namezhang peng.

a. heb. hisc. her


)1、what colour is ita、i h**e 6.

)2、how many books do you h**e? b、it’s yellow.

)3、what’s in your bagc、good idea

)4.、what’s her named、her name is amy.

)5、let’s clean the windowe、 3 pencils and many books.


1、 go / let’s / see / and / 新课标第一网。

2、 classroom / a / i / h**e / new /

3、 she / who / is /

4、 colour / what / is / it /

5、 window / it`s / the / near /



a.good morning! b.nice to meet you.

)2、 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说。

a.are you okb.look at the blackboard.

)3、 当介绍新朋友bob给大家认识,会说。

a.this is bobb.bob has a new schoolbag.

)4 、 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说。

a. where is my stroybook ? b. what`s his name?


a where is my keyb .who is she?


i h**e three friends. they`re ann, mike and bob. bob is tall and strong.

he likes english best(最好的). mike is short and thin. he is very friendly.

he like maths best. ann is very quiet. she has long hair and small mouth.

she like chinese best.

) 1. bob is a strong boy.

) 2. mike likes english.

) 3. mike is tall and thin.

) 4. ann is very quiet.

) 5. ann has short hair and a small nose.


小学期中学业水平检测四年级上册英语试卷。考试时间 50分钟 listening part 听力部分40分 温馨提示 在正式答题之前,请同学们快速浏览一遍听力题目。一 listen and choose.听单词或词组,选择正确的选项。10分 1.a.doorb.floor2.a.kite b.kate...


2013 2014年四年级英语上册期中测试卷。班级 姓名学号 总分 100分,时间 60分钟 卷首语 亲爱的同学们,经过了2个多月的学习,你一定收获了许多知识,沉着冷静,细心答题,相信你会做出让自己满意的答卷。听力部分 六大题,共58分 一 listen and circle.听音,圈出听到的字母或...


得分 一 听录音,给 编号。12分 二 听音连线。听情境对话,判断服装在哪个房间。10分。三 听录音,选择相应的答句,并把序号填入括号内。8分。1.a.it s on the second floor.b.it s on the floor.2.a.i like red.b.it s red.3.a...