
发布 2020-10-28 02:45:28 阅读 3848



) 1. cake face2. bike pig

) 3. we she4、 nice time

) 5、apple name6、 pen he


) room b. english class

) math class b. washroom class

) library b.

) garden b.

) secondc. ten


fifteen -


) this the washroom

it isn’t. it is. it isn’t.

)2. this is my desk. that is __desk.

a. your

)3. do you h**e lunch __school?

)4.__way, please.

a this c. this is

) it’s time for breakfast.

a.7:00. b.11:00. c.5:30.

)6. is this? oh! it’s your baby brother’s!

) 8 o’ time __go to school.

)8. .it’s time __music class.

) at the clock,what __is it?

) is our school.

beautiful. b yes,it is. c it’s a canteen.

) for .

and write and dance and run

) like the white sweater the green skirt.


1)whatis it? (r o o l c u)

2)a map is on thea l l w)

3)this is thes desk. (e a t h e r c)

4)our classroom is on the firstl o r f o )

5)my sweater ish t w e i )


1.your t-shirt is that (

2 . is computer where room the (?

3. computer my is this (

it o’clock is (

5. it time is now what (?


a.library b. canteen room room

1) read in the2) eat in the3) play in the

4) sing in the5) draw in the


) 1) what colour is time for math class

) 2) is this your classroom? b it’s 8:00.

) 3) what time is itc no,it isn’t.

) 4) it’s 9:45d it’s on the firet floor.

) 5) where is the teacher’s office? e. it’s black.


1、ayour library?

b:no2、i like the黄色。

3、a: where is my

b: it is on the desk.

4. a:what’s this?

b:it’s a


is atwo s and fours.


) mom,where are my shoes?

( )yes,they you,mom.

( )they are white and black.

)are they under the bed?

( )your shoes?what colour are they?


1.认真阅读短文,判断后面所给句子是否与短文内容一致,是的打√,否则打× 。5分)

i’m zhangpeng. it’s 6:40.

it’s time to get up. i wear my new t-shirt. it’s yellow.

and i wear my green shorts. they’re old. but i like them very much.

i h**e class today, so i wear my white shoes. at 7:00, i h**e some hamburgers and milk for breakfast.

then i go to school at 7:20.


2014 2015学年四年级第二学期英语期中试卷。班级姓名。听力部分 分 一 看图标号 分 二,听录音,将时间和事件连线。分 10 05lunch 3 00get up 6 50go home 12 00music class 三,听录音,选择句子中所听到的单词。10分 四,选出你听到的句子。10分...


2009 2010学年度第一学期期中教学质量检测。小学四年级英语试题 pep 说明 本试题满分100分,期中听力部分45分 笔试部分50分 卷面分5分。听力部分 45分 一 听一听,选一选。听录音选出所听到的单词或者词组。每个小题读两遍。5分 job a is my 二 听一听,...


一 要求能在四线格里准确听写的单词 四会单词 听 说 认读 写 1.water水 tiger老虎 sister姐妹 computer电脑 dinner晚餐。2.girl女孩 bird小鸟 nurse hamburger汉堡包。3.arm胳膊 car小汽车 card卡片 ball球 tall高的 wa...