
发布 2023-01-31 14:38:28 阅读 8042






一、listen and circle.听音,圈出听到的字母或单词 (10 分)听两遍。

1. u v6. b m ak m p

2. computer classroom 7. r, q, p t, s, x

blue8. nurse nose

4. floor wall9. school schoolbag

5. thinstrong10. short hair long hair

二.listen and choose. 听音并标出你听到的序号。 (10分) 听两遍。

1. let’s clean theab.

2. let me clean theab

3. my sister hasab.

4. i h**e aa. b.

5. my friend hasa. b.

三.listen and tick. 听音并在你所听到的单词上打勾( 8分) 听两遍。

四.listen and tick or cross.听音并判断。 对的请在( )里画“√”错误的请在( )里画“x”。(10分) 听两遍。

五.listen and choose.听录音,选择正确的答语,将其序号填在括号里。 (10分) 听两遍。

六.listen and number.听音在空格内写上相应的数字(10分)听两遍。


七.look ,read and write.看图并写出单词。 (10分)

八。look and choose .看图并选择,对号入座 ( 8分)

your eraser near your pencil box.

your chinese book in your desk.

your math book under your schoolbag.

your pencil box on your english book.

八.read and choose. 阅读并选择( 共16分)

)1. where is my pencil-case ?

a. it’s on the book. b. this is your pencil-case. c. yes, it is.

)2. how many books do you h**e ?

a. i like bread and milk. b. i h**e ten books. c. i h**e a big room.

( )3. who is he ?

a. he is tallb. he likes sports. c. he is zhangpeng.

)4. what color is your schoolbag ?

a. i like purple. b. it’s bluec. it’s big.

)5. i a new friend.

a. h**e b. has c. is

)6. what’s in your schoolbag?

a. many books and a pencil-case. he**y schoolbag. c. yes, it is.

)7. amy short. she short hair.

a. has; has b. is; has c. is; is

)8、let clean the windowa、i b、me

十、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择。( 8分)

my name is wang ping. i’m from shanghai. i’m a chinese teacher.

i am tall and thin. i like music. i h**e a good friend.

his name is zhang lin. he’s from beijing. he has short hair, big eyes and ears.

he is strong. he’s cute. he likes sports and science.

who is he ? he is my student.

) ping is a teacher.

a. english b. math c. music

) 2. wang ping is from

a. america b. beijing c. shanghai

) 3. wang ping isand

a. tall ; strong b. thin; tall c. short; thin

)4. zhang lin has

a. big eyes b. long hair c. small ears

听力材料。一。listen and circle. (2次)

m a q p bag hair

二.listen and choose. (2次)

clean the classroom.

me clean the door.

sister has long hair.

h**e a chinese book.

5. my friend has brown shoes.

三.listen and tick. (2次)

in the the board.

3. the wall is black4. my friend has blue glasses.

h**e 6 new is friendly.


unit 1 my classroom all right行了,好吧,病 好了。boardn.木板 布告牌 委员会 的 部 v.上 船 火车 飞机 classmaten.同班同学。classroomn.教室。cleanvt.弄干净,擦干净 过去式cleaned a.清洁的,干净的。computern...


四年级上册小学英语期末测试卷。杭州市安吉路实验学校董悦。听力部分 30 一 listen and choose.听音圈单词。4 1.classroom classmate 2.math books notebooks 3.friend father 4.chopsticks plate 二 list...


四年级上册第一次月考英语试卷。一看汉语,选单词。18分 a boarda red 1 黑板2 电灯。b floorb light a booka window 3 故事书4 门。b story bookb door a picturea maths book 5 图画6笔记本。b dogb note...