
发布 2020-09-29 20:05:28 阅读 2874



listening part(听力部分40分)


一、listen and choose.听单词或词组,选择正确的选项。(10分)

) 1. a. doorb. floor2. a. kite b. kate

) 3. a. reallyb. friendly4. a. toy b. boy

) 5. a. schoolbag b. classroom6. a. cute b. candy

) 7. ab8. ab.

) 9. ab10. ab.

二、listen and choose.听句子,给下列**排序。(10分)

三、listen and judge.听句子,相符的打“√ 不符的打“×”10分)

pep小学英语四年级上册期中试卷第 1 页共 4 页。

四、listen and choose.听问句,选择正确的答句。(10分)

) it’s near the windowb. it’s blue.

) many desks and chairsb. it’s on the desk.

) sorryb. thank you.

) his name is johnb. her name is lucy.

) it’s an orangeb. it’s orange.

writing part(笔试部分60分)


五、look and write.照样子,用手写体将下列单词用小写字母抄一篇。(5分)

bag shoe wall window five glasses

六、read and choose.注意画线部分的发音,把发音相同的单词序号填入括号。(5分)

)1. big six2. hat map ( 3. kite ice

)4. cake make5. note jones

七、read and choose.读**,选择正确的选项。(10分)

1. -we h**e a new

a. classroomb. room

( )2. -where is the picture?

a. it is near the window. b. it is on the window.

3. is the book on the desk?

a. yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t.

4. he is

a. short and strong b. tall and thin

pep小学英语四年级上册期中试卷第 2 页共 4 页。

5. -what’s in your schoolbag?

a. two books, two toys and one ball.

b. two books, three toys and one ball.

八、read and choose.根据语言情境,选择正确的选项。(10分)

)1notebooks do you h**e?

i h**e 12.

a. whereb. how manyc. what

)2.--what’s in the pencil box?

a. three pencils and a pen. b. many desks and chairs. c. an english book.

)3.--let me help you.

a. nob. that’s rightc. thank you.

)4.--what’s __name?-

--john, he is my friend.

a. herb. hisc. your

)5.--let’s clean the classroom.

a. oh, sorry. b. you.

九、read and choose.读一读,选择合适的句子补全下面对话。(10分)

pep小学英语四年级上册期中试卷第 3页共 4 页。

十、reading comprehension.阅读理解。(10分)

hello, my name is jim. this is my classroom. it’s big and nice.

there are some desks and chairs. a picture is on the wall. that’s my class photo(**).

some people are in the picture. look! this is our english teacher.

she is tall and quiet. she has long black hair. the boy near our english teacher is my friend tom.

he is tall and strong. he has short brown hair. he is from the usa.

there is a teacher’s desk on the floor. an english books, two notebooks and three storybooks are on it.


unit 1 my classroom all right行了,好吧,病 好了。boardn.木板 布告牌 委员会 的 部 v.上 船 火车 飞机 classmaten.同班同学。classroomn.教室。cleanvt.弄干净,擦干净 过去式cleaned a.清洁的,干净的。computern...


四年级上册小学英语期末测试卷。杭州市安吉路实验学校董悦。听力部分 30 一 listen and choose.听音圈单词。4 1.classroom classmate 2.math books notebooks 3.friend father 4.chopsticks plate 二 list...


四年级上册第一次月考英语试卷。一看汉语,选单词。18分 a boarda red 1 黑板2 电灯。b floorb light a booka window 3 故事书4 门。b story bookb door a picturea maths book 5 图画6笔记本。b dogb note...