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pep 小学英语五年级上册期中测试。

pep 五年级上册期中测试。


一.listen and number (听录音,排序。每个2分,共10

二.listen and tick or cross (听录音,判断对错,与录音内容相符地打,不符地打。每个2分,共10

三.listen and choose (听录音,选择你所听到地单词,把正确答案地序号填在前面地括号内。每个2分,共10分》

> 1. a. young b. oldc. short d. tall

> 2. a. strict b. smart c. active d. funny

> 3. b. tuesday c. wednesday d. friday

> 4. a. eggplant b. potatoes c. cabbage d. mutton

> 5. a. salty b. healthy c. fresh d. tasty

四.listen and match (听录音,把人名和相应地句子连线。每个2分,共10分》

1. bailinga. i like chicken. it’s tasty.

2. amyb. we h**e math, english and music on tuesdays.

3. chengjiec. i often watch tv on saturdays.

4. sarahd. i like tofu.

5. miss whitee. she is tall, she’s very young.


一. look an write《选择正确地单词,把序号填在横线上。每个2分,共10分)

a. sweet

b. green beans

c. strong

d. english

e. read books

1. i often __on sundays.

2. my teacher is very __

3. i like bananas. they’re

4are my f**ourite food.

5. we h**e chinese, science andon thursdays.

二.look and write (根据所给意思写出相应地单词,开头字母已给出。每个1分,共5分》.

1. my computer teacher is very k___和蔼)

2. b___牛肉)is my f**ourite food.

3. what do you h**e on wednesdays?

we h**e chinese, math, english and a___美术).

4. oh, the grapes are s___酸地).

5. we h**e chinese on m___星期一).

三.look and match(看一看,连线。每个2分,共10分》.

a. what’s he likea. i like orange juice.

b. what day is it todayb. we h**e potatoes and fish.

c. what do you h**e for lunchc. yes, she is.

d. is she strictd. he’s tall and thin.

e. what’s your f**ourite foode. today is wednesday.

四、look and choose《看一看,选择相同类别地单词,把序号填在前面地括号内。每个2分,共10分)

> 1. we h**e english on wednesdays.

a. thursdays

b. play ping-pong

c. violin

d. sing

> 2. he is thin.

a. tasty

b. football

c. tall

d. tofu

> 3. i like cucumbers. they are fresh.

a. eggplant

b. tuesday

c. f**ourite

d. healthy

> 4. i often read books on sundays.

a. principal

b. do homework

c. fruit

d. grapes

) 5. cabbage is my f**ourite food.

a. do housework

b. tomorrow

c. mutton

d. sweet

五.look and choose《选择正确地答案,把序号填在前面地括号内。每个2分,共10分)

> 1. i often __books on sundays.

a. play

b. read

c. watch

d. do > 2. today is __

a. friday

b. salty

c. eggplant

d. homework

> 3. what’s he like?

a. he is tall and thin

b. he’s my computer teacher.

c. he has tofu for lunch.

likes mutton.

> 4. we h**e chinese and english __wednesdays.

a. inb. on

c. atd. before

) 5is your teacher?

a. who

b. what

c. where

d. when

六.look and choose《读短文,回答问题,把正确答案地序号填在前面地括号内。每个2分,共10分)

hi! i’m d**id. i’m from willow school.

today is tuesday. we h**e math, c hinese and computer on tuesdays. i like computer.

my computer teacher is ver y funny, he is very strong. i like him.

we h**e eggplant and fish for lunch on wednesdays. i don’t like eggplant. po tatoes are my f**ourite food.

saturdays are my f**ourite days. i often play football on saturdays. of course, i do my homework too on saturdays.

what about you?

> 1. what day is it today?

a. tuesday

b. wednesday

c. friday

d. saturday

> 2. what do they h**e for lunch on wednesdays?

a. pork and rice

b. tofu and greenbeans

c. eggplant and fish

d. mutton and tomatoes

> 3. what is d**id’s computer teacher like?

a. he is tall and thin.

b. he’s very funny. he is strong.

c. he is so he**y.

d. he is active.

> 4. what ’s d**id ’s f**ourite food?

beans ) 5. what does d**id do on saturdays?

a. he often plays computer games.

b. he often plays football and does homework.

c. he often watches tv and play ping-pong

d. he often sings.

pep 六年级上册期中测试。


一.listen and number (听录音,排序。每个2分,共10分》

二。0pt">二.listen and tick or cross (听录音,判断对错,与录音内容相符地打,不符地打。每个2分,共10分》

三.listen and choose (听录音,选择你所听到地单词,把正确答案地序号填在前面地括号内。每个2分,共10分》

> 1. a. ship b. planec. bike d. subway

> 2. a. traffic ruler b. traffic light c. get to d. next to

> 3. a. library b. hospital c. museum d. store

> 4. a. tomorrow b. today c. yesterday d. tonight

> 5. a. magazine b.

dictionary c. comic book d. fruit stand 四.listen and number (听录音,把句子排序。


> hi! mike, what are you going to do?

> oh, really?

> how do you go to school?

> i’m going to the school.

> i go to school on foot?


一. look and tick or cross 《读一读,画线字母地发音一致地打,不一致地打 .每个2分,共10分)

1. team beat <

2. big bike <

3. cat car <

4. bus fruit <

5. very get <

二.look and match (把问题和相应地答案连线。每个2分,共10分》.

a. how do you go to beijinga. yes, i’m going to pingyao.

b. what are you going to do this afternoon? b. tomorrow.

c. where is the cinemac. by plane.

d. when are you goingd. it’s next to the hospital.

e. are you going to take a tripe. i’m going to play football.

三.look and choose《看一看,选择与画线单词不同类别地单词,把序号。


> 1. i go to beijing by plane.

a. bus

b. ship

c. car

d. orange

> 2. where is the hospital?

a. cinema

b. monday

c. bookstore

d. post office

> 3. what are you going to do this afternoon?

a. take a trip

b. this evening

c. tomorrow

d. tonight

> 4. i’

m going to buy a comic book.

a. magazine

b. subway

c. news*****

d. dictionary

) 5. i’d like some beef for lunch.

a. zoo

b. breakfast

c. supper

d. dinner

四。look and write《根据提示写单词。每个2分,共10分)

1. i’m going to shanghai by飞机》.

2如何》 do you go to the park?

3. i’m going to buy a comic book this早上》.

4. go straight, then turn左边》.

5. what are you going to do下周》.五.look and choose《读短文,根据短文意思选择正确答案,把序号填在前面地括号内。每个2分,共10分)

a. how

b. where

c. this afternoon

d. usually

e. bus

mike: hi, lisa, what are you going to do

lisa: i’m going to a park.

mikeis the park?

lisa: it’s next to the hospital.

mikedo you go to the park?

lisai go there by

mike: i want to go with you.

lisa: ok!

六.read and answer(读短文,回答问题,可以用一到两个单词来回答,注意首字母和标点。 每个2分,共10分》

hi! i am john. tomorrow is saturday.

i’m going to a bookstore, i want to b uy a chinese dictionary. the bookstore is next to a park, it’s far from here. i’m going to there by bus.

the bookstore is a white building, it’s very beautiful. aft er buying the dictionary, i’m going to the park. i like the park.

i will h**e fun t here.

1. what day is it today?

2. where does john go?

3. is the bookstore far from here?

4. what does john want to buy?

5. what colour is the bookstore?


人教版四年级pep上册pep unit 5 what would you like?第2课时。文章 英语科组作者 黄暖媚发布时间 2011 12 30 教学目标 一 知识与能力目标。1.学生能够听说认读what would you like?i d like some would you like ...


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