
发布 2020-09-29 20:07:28 阅读 6726


姓名: 一、判断划线字母发音是否相同相同打“√”不同打“×”10分)

) 1、a、cake b、name2、a、like b、kite

) 3、a、nose b、toy4、a、big b、five

) 5、a、hat b、bag


1、girl(对应词2、he`s (完全形式) _

3、long (反义词4、friend(复数) _



) 1. my bag is blue. a. yellow b. red c. cat

) 2. john is stronga. glasses b. thin c. tall

) 3. i like englisha. chinese b. maths c. candy

) 4. open the door. a. window b. quiet c. light

) 5. my shoes are white. a. glasses b. friendly c. hat


) 1、we __a new classroom.

a、h**eb、are c、has

) 2、look, he is tall __strong.

a、tob、and c、or

) 3、what’s your schoolbag? –many books.


) 4、let___help you.


) 5、what’s his name? –name is zhang peng.

a、meb、his c、her

) 6、__in the classroom? —a board, two lights, many desks and chairs.

a. what b. what’s c. how many

) 7、 is it? –it’s near the window.

a、where b、what c、who

) 8is it? –it’s blue and white.

a、how many b、 where is c、what colour

) 9、his shoes blue


) 10、what’s in it? _english book, two and a notebook.

a、a, toys b、an, toies c、an, toys


) 1. what colour is ita. i h**e 6.

) 2. how many books do you h**e? b. it’s yellow.

) 3. what’s in your bagc. it’s in the desk.

) 4. where is itd. good idea.

) 5. let’s clean the windowe. 3 pencils and many books


1. go / let`s / see / and /

2. in / classroom / the / what’s /

3. she / who / is /

4. are / blue / shoes / his /

5. window / it`s / the / near /



a.good morning! b.nice to meet you.

)2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说。

a.are you okb.look at the blackboard.

)3. 当介绍新朋友bob给大家认识,会说。

a.this is bobb.bob has a new schoolbag.

)4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说。

a. where is my storybook ? b. what`s his name?

)5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说。

a where is my keyb .who is she?

八、从右边选择句子把对话补充完整 (只填序号) (10分)

mike:dad,ih**eanewfrienda. really?

dadb. howoldis he?

mike:yes,anenglishfriendc. aboyoragirl?

dadd. whatcolourdoeshelike?

mike:heisaboye. what'shisname?




九、仔细阅读短文,并判断下列句子,正确的写(t),错误的写(f). 10分)

this is my new friend, he is tom. he is from america. he is very tall and strong .

he has short hair and two big eyes. he also has a new schoolbag. it’s orange and white.

what’s in the schoolbag? let me h**e a look. there are three storybooks, a maths book, a chinese book, two english books and a pencil box .

it’s so he**y.

)1、tom is from america and he is my old friend.

)2、tom is tall and strong. he has two big eyes and short hair.

)3、tom has a new orange and white schoolbag.

)4、there are seven english books in tom’s schoolbag.

)5、tom’s schoolbag is he**y.



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