
发布 2023-01-18 14:05:28 阅读 8183





1、 自述chant或自我介绍。

2、 自选小对话表演,可以找搭档,3人以内。

part ⅱ、听力测试(10分)


1. a、orange b、apple c、banana

2. a、bike b、carc、bus

3. a、music b、book c、cat

4. a、toeb、hand c、face

5. a、student b、teacher c、doctor


) 1. a. i like oranges. b. nice to meet you. c. how do you do?

) 2. a. what’s for breakfast?b. she’s a teacher. c. here you are.

) 3. a. i don’t know. b. good morning. c. thank you.

) 4. a. pass me the jam. b. this is ken. c. here you are.

) 5. a. who’s that? b. pass me the jam. c. her bag is yellow.






mus __c b___g v __ol__n do__tor

s__ng b__ke el__ ph __nt l__on


( )1. ilike oranges.

a. don’t b. doesn’t c. isn’t

( )2. shelike oranges.

a. don’t b. doesn’t c. isn’t

) 3bag is this?

a. whob. whose c. what

) 4. is this

a. yourb. youc. yours

) 5. can you play

a. the baseball b. the football c. the violin

) 6. i playbaseball.

a. thebc. an

) 7. the score is fourthree.

a. tob. twoc. too

) 8. i’man elephant.

a. drawb. drawing c. draws

) 9. she isto the library.

a. gob.

) 10. -hello. is lily there

a. no, i am not. b. yes, i am. c. hello. this is lily.


a. onb. withc. for

2. i __like oranges.

a. don’tb. am not c. doesn’t

3. -good morning

a. good morning. b. helloc. ok.

4. are you __here?

a. student b. students c. studentes

) 5. -how do you do

a. hellob. how are you? c. how do you do?

) 6. -what’s the first class

a. mathb. that’s okay. c. i do, too.

) 7. what’sclass?

a. the third b. threec. third

) 8. i don’t like

a. swimb. swiming c. swimming

) jimmy.

a. upb. atc. in

) 10. touchshoulders.

a. youb. yourc. yours


steve & jimmy: sorry, we are

mrs. smith: that’s okay.

but please betime from now on.

li li: what’s theclass?

ken: math. i like

li li: i do


1. (hers /herbag is yellow.

2. this bike islili’s /lili)

3. i liketoast / teacher) ,eggs and oranges.

4. the second class ismusic /bread)

5. h**e aday. (nice /bad)

6. i likeread/ reading) books.

7. howabout/ after) you, meimei?

8. youread/ ride) a bike.

9. notin / at) the street.

10. lookat / in) me.

七。 选择汉语所对应的英语句子。(5分。

) 1你好!

a. how old are youb. how do you do?

( )2.见到你很高兴。

a.nice to meet youb. how are you ?

) 3.那位是谁?

a. who’s thatb. what’s that?


2007 2008学年度第一学期期末测试题四年级英语。一 按顺序默写26个英文字母。26分 二 连接相应的单词和 20分 三 在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语。24分 1.who s thata.yes,it it your s mine.3.nice to meet...


四年级下学期英语期末测试题。班级 姓名 一 给下列单词选出正确的汉语意思 30分 a夏天 b 春天 c 冬天。a头痛 b 头 c 胃疼。a高兴的 b有趣的 c 兴奋的。a足球 b机器人 c 礼物。a 花 b 叶子 c 美丽的。a手表 b电视 c 听。a早餐 b 礼物 c午餐。a 受伤 b 叔叔 c阿...


四年级下学期英语期末测试题。班级 姓名 一 给下列单词选出正确的汉语意思 30分 夏天b春天c冬天 头痛b头c胃疼 高兴的b有趣的c兴奋的 足球b机器人c礼物 花b叶子c美丽的 手表b电视c听 早餐b礼物c午餐 受伤b叔叔c阿姨 爷爷b奶奶c舅舅 餐馆b邮局c医院。二 看 读句子,判断正误,对的写y...