
发布 2020-03-21 05:41:28 阅读 7492


命题教师: 袁丰。


1. a. leftb. rightc. straight

)2. a. trainb. stationc. plane

)3. a. betweenb. besidec. next to

)4. a. listeningb. watchingc. running

)5. a. drinkb. boatc. walk



)1. jack is rowing a dragon boat.

)2. daming is riding a bike.

)3. -do you want some noodles? -yes, please.

)4. -what’s he doing? -he is watching tv.

)5. where is the supermarket?--go straight on. turn right.





)1. a. noodlesb. dumplingc. food

)2. a. busb. trainc. hill

)3. a. potatob. juicec. tomato

)4. a. bigb. boatc. strong

)5. a. jumpb. winnerc. swim


1. excuse me2. make a cake

3. 游泳4. take pictures

5. run fast6. 多少钱。

7. 踢足球8. here you are

9. fly a kite10. ride a bike


)1.--what’s lingling doingis doing taijiquan.

a. sheb. hec. they

)2is the supermarket? -go straight on. turn right.

a. whatb. wherec. where

)3. -what __they doing? -they are rowing a dragon boat.

a. isb. amc. are

)4. -can sam play football? -no, he __

a. canb. isn’tc. can’t

)5.--where do you live? -i livethe no. 2 park street

a. fromb. atc. to

)6.--do you want some noodles

a. no, i don’tb. yes. i h**e. c. no. thank you.

)7. -what do you want to eat?

---i want some noodleseggs and potatoes.

a. andb. forc. with

)8. -look at that manhe is ****** noodles.

a. what’s she doing?b. what are they doing?c. what’s he doing?

)9is the pen? -it’f five yuan..

a. how much b. how manyc. how old

)10. -thank you so much

a. thank you. b. i’m finec. you are welcome.



row juice go straight milk water noodles

listen next to danceleftcake dumplings

1. 食物。

2. 方位。

3. 饮料。



get on the bus. look at the bus. c. let’s get on the car.

)2.同学对你说“i’m hungry”,正好你也饿了,你会说:__

it’s nice.


much is the much is the pen?

)4.如果妈妈问你do you want some milk? 你不想喝应该说___

please. i don’t. thank you.


a. ten yuan in ten. b. ten yuan for ten. c. ten yuan of ten.

)6.当别人对你说“happybirthday!”时,你应说: _


a. excuse




a. seeyoub. goodafternoon,janet. c. good morning!


a. it’s next to the supermarket. b. it’s in a school. c. it’s on your left.


周城小学2015 2016学年第一学期四年级期中考试卷。班级姓名得分。听力部分。1 听音选词。共5分 1.a take b.make c.cake 2.a nice b.rice c.mice 3.a look b.cook c.took 4.a winner b.write c.want 5.a ...


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