
发布 2023-01-22 08:47:28 阅读 9177


总分:100 分;考试时间: 45 分钟)

一. 抄写下列单词(用标准手写体书写)。(4)



二. 给下列短语选择正确的翻译。(20)

) straight ona.对不起,打扰一下。

) tob.向左转。

) leftc.十分,非常。

) med.直着走。

) muche.紧靠……旁边,贴近。

) the parkf. 在湖上。

) the big trees g. 下国际象棋。

( )8. on the lakeh. 在公园里。

( )9. get on the busi. 在大树之间。

( )10. play chessj.上公交车。

三. 单项选择。(20)

) cat isa. lost b. look c. left

)2is your school? -it’s beside the supermarket.

a. what b. how c. where

) live in __2, park street. a. no b. no. c. no


a. excuse me. b. how are you. c. thank you.


a. go straight on. b. turn right. c. turn left.


next to the supermarket. in a school. on your left.


you. welcome.


a. hello!


)1. up a. down b. live

)2. train a. turn b. go

)3. right a .left b. hill c. station

)4. behind a. near b. cinema c. supermarket

)5. park a. door b. supermarket c. where

五。 给下面的汉语句子选择正确的英语译文,将选项填入题前的括号中。(10)


)2、你们正在干什么? b..what`shedoing?

) 3这是我的小妹妹,她正在玩洋娃娃。

) 4你正在干什么?我正在打篮球。



) playing basketball?

) you very much. are welcome.

) too.

七. 连词成句。(20)

supermarket the is

the house it’s

he’s door the

doing are taijiquan

5. she talking is to her friend


a. near b. where’s c. excuse me d. train e. at the station f. so much

1the supermarket?

--it’s __our school.

2. -where’s the park?

--turn left. -thank you

3. -where’s the



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