
发布 2023-03-04 09:18:28 阅读 4144




1.听录音, 按你所听到的单词或词组排列顺序。 (5分)

) singswimwalk

) runreaddance

) listen to musicwatch television

) play footballplay computer games

2. 听录音,写出句子所缺的单词。(5分)

1you like football?

2) we liketelevision.

3) swimming is mysport.

4) isinging.

5) damingcats.

笔试部分。一. 请默写出26个英文字母。(共13分)




二. 用所给词的适当形式填空,或根据所给汉语意思及首字补全单词(共10分)

1. there are threetree).

2touch) your head, please.

3swim) is my f**ourite sport.

4. i likeread) .

5. how manypen ) are there?

6. we like b (蓝色).

7. i like p弹,演奏)the piano.

8. what’s the weather like in a秋天)?

9. what’s your n名字)?

10.she can c做饭).

四、单项选择, 请将序号填入括号内。(15分)

) 1. what’s this __english? a. at b. in c. on

) 2. —how are you

a. i’m jimb. helloc. fine, thank you

) 3. —please sit down

a. thankb. thanksc. thanks you

) 4books are there in you bagten .

a. howb. how oldc. how many

) 5. this is __friendis a student.

a. my, heb. i, hec. my, she

) 6. they are blue

a. flowerb. shoesc. cap

) 7are these coats? —they’re red and black..

a. whatb. what colour c. where

) 8. —good morning

a. good morning b. hello c. fine , thank you

) 9. lingling likesfootball.

a. play ab. playing the c. playing

) 10. —where is my cat? —it’s

a. under the chair b. blackc. fish

) 11are the flowers? —they are red and yellow.

a. whatb. what colour c. what colours

) 12your bag? —it’s on the desk.

a. whereb. what’sc. where is

) 13. —where are your shoes? —they’rethe floor.

a. onb. inc. at

) 14your f**ourite food? —my f**ourite food is___

a. what’s , fish b. how’s, fish c. what’s , fishes

) 15. what colourthe desks? a. are b. is c. am

四、 请在b栏中选出相应的答句,将序号填在括号内。 (共5分)

ab ) 1.how do you spell “pollya. hello.

) 2. what’s the weather like in spring? b. p-o-l-l-y

) 3. can you typec. no, i can’t.

) 4. hellod. i’m fine, thanks.

) 5. how are you, lilye. it’s warm.


green, banana, cat, blue, tree, fish , apple, rice, red, meat, bird,

black, egg, white, shoes, yellow, cap, cake, flower, coat




a. what’s this in english? b. a classroom? c, they’re red.

d. it’s blacke. r—e—d .

1.—what colour are the apples

—how do you spell “red

2. —what colour is the bird

3a classroom.


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