外研版四年级英语 上册 总复习

发布 2020-09-29 15:37:28 阅读 8596


where is sam?



excuse me. where is no.2 park street, please?


在树后 behind the tree

在你的左边 on your left

在电影院旁边 beside the cinema

上山 up the hill

下山 down the hill

在车站 at the station

在房子附近 near the house

紧挨着超市 next to the supermarket


向左拐 turn left

向右拐 turn right

直着走 go straight on

4、你可以用 i live at… 来表示居住的地点。

在问路前,你首先要说 excuse me 来表示礼貌。

在别人为你指路后, 你要说 thank you! 来表示感谢。

当别人感谢你后,你要说: you’re welcome!


)1、a、right b、left c、street

)2、 a、beside b、picture c、under


1、where___am / is / are ) the children?

2what / where ) is the supermarket? it is next to the school.

3、where are you now? i’m __in, on ) your left.

4、i live __at / on ) no.2 park street.

5、 where is the station? turn __left / on ),go straight on.


i like swimming.


sam likes swimming.


this is my friend…


look at these pictures.


what is/are … doing?


am/ is/ are +动词ing…

3、用am, is 或are填空。

1、i___a girl. you __a boy.

2、damingfrom china.

3、shejumping. he __running.

4、my brother __playing football with his friends.

5、we __rowing a boat.

6、what __you doing? i __skipping..

7、lingling and i __doing taijiquan.

are 2. is is 3. is is am


拍** take pictures

和朋友讲话 talk to friend

玩玩具火车 play with a toy train

听** listen to music

看电视 watch tv

读书 read a book

打篮球 play basketball

踢足球 play football

放风筝 fly a kite

骑自行车 ride a bike

看这些** look at these pictures


)1、a、listening b、sing c、talking

)2、a、flying b、friendc、talking


)1、look___these pictures. a、in b、at c、of

)2、what __she do at the weekend? she __basketball.

a、do, plays b、does , plays c、do, play

)3、look, the children __in the river.

a、swimming b、is swimming c、are swimming

( )4、this is my friend, _name is amy. a、i b、her c、she


1、 what are you __do , doing ) i’m __read, reading ) a book.

2、he is __play / playing ) basketball.

3、__what, where ) is he doing? he is __swimming , run )

4、 my sister is talking __with , to ) her friends.

my brother is playing __a toy train. (with , to )

5、 she istakeing , taking) pictures.

6、tom __like/likes) apples. but i don’t __apples. (like/likes)

reading 2. playing 3. what swimming 4. to with 5. taking like

1、你想表达你正在游泳你可以说:i am swimming. 你想表达sam正在游泳你可以说:sam is swimming.

你想表达他们正在游泳,你可以说:they are swimming.

你想知道别人正在做……,你问:what are you doing?


上车 get on the bus 许多有趣的事 lots of interesting thing看。look at

在湖上 on the lake 在树下 under the tree 在大树之间 between the big trees 做蛋糕 make a cake打太极 do taijiquan 划龙舟 row a dragon boat 喝豆浆 drink soya milk 下象棋 play chess 我也是 me too


)1、a、boy b、girl c、men

)2、 a、lake b、park c、these

)3、a、between b、chess c、on

4、选择。 )1、look at the people __the park. a、in b、at c、of

)2、-what __the tiger doing? -it __basketball.

a、are, plays b、am , playing c、is, playing

)3、look, the men __chess. a、playing b、is playing c、are playing

)4、-it’s twelve now, i’m hungrya、i too. b、me too. c、thank you!


1、my brother ismake , ******) noodles now.

2、what are youdoes , doing )

i’mrowing, reading ) a boat.

3、iam , is are )watching ( am , is are )listening to music. weam , is are )h**ing a good time.

4、let’s getup, on ) the bus.

5、they areplay , playing ) chess.

6、she istakeing , taking) pictures.



外研版 四年级英语上册重点复习

第一模块。单词。right 向右转 left 向左转 straight on 直走。lost 迷路 in 住在 me 对不起,打扰了。to 紧挨着,临近 the station 在车站 much 非常。句型。the school?学校在 go straight on,turn right,turn ...

四年级英语上册重点复习 外研版

第一模块。单词。right 向右转 left 向左转 straight on 直走。lost 迷路 in 住在 me 对不起,打扰了。to 紧挨着,临近 the station 在车站 much 非常。句型。the school?学校在 go straight on,turn right,turn ...


numbers数字 1 one,2 two,3 three,4 four,5 five,6 six,7 seven,8 eight,9 nine,10 ten,11 eleven,12 twelve,13thirteen 14 fourteen,15 fifteen,16 sixteen,17 se...