2024年四年级英语上册重点复习 外研版

发布 2023-01-18 09:38:28 阅读 5246



鍗曡瘝 right 鍚戝彸杞? left 鍚戝乏杞? straight on 鐩磋蛋 lost 杩疯矾 in 浣忓湪 me 瀵逛笉璧凤紝鎵撴壈浜?

to 绱ф尐鐫锛屼复杩? the station 鍦ㄨ溅绔? much 闈炲父。

鍙ュ瀷 is the school?瀛︽牎鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紵 go straight on锛宼urn right锛宼urn left 鈥檚 up the hill. 瀹冨湪鐖北 it鈥檚 down the hill.

瀹冨湪涓嬪北銆?it鈥檚 near the house. 瀹冨湪鎴垮瓙闄勮繎銆?

it鈥檚 at the station. 瀹冨湪杞︾珯銆? live in no.

2锛孭ark street銆傛垜浣忓湪鍏洯璺簩鍙枫?


閲嶇偣鐭 on 涓婅溅 of 璁稿 thing 鏈夎叮鐨勪簨 at 鐪? the park 鍦ㄥ叕鍥? the lake 鍦ㄦ箹涓?

the tree 鍦ㄦ爲涓? taijiquan 鎵撳お鏋? a dragon boat 鍒掗緳鑸?

chess 涓嬭薄妫? soybean milk 鍠濊眴娴? football鎵撹冻鐞?

13. play basketball 鎵撶鐞? table tennis 鎵撲箳涔撶悆 15.

swim 娓告吵 jump 璺抽珮 run 璺?

绗笁妯″潡閲嶇偣鐭 1锛?look at 鐪?2锛?

write a letter 鍐欎俊 3锛?take pictures 鎷嶇収鐗?4锛?

talk to her friend.鍜屾湅鍙嬭璇?5锛?

play with a toy train. 鐜╃帺鍏风伀杞?6锛?

listen to music 鍚煶涔?7锛?watch tv 鐪嬬數瑙?

8锛?read a book 璇讳功 9锛?draw pictures 鐢荤敾 10锛?

row a dragon boat 鍒掗緳鑸?

鍙ュ瀷 is my鈥︹?杩欐槸鎴戠殑鈥︹?渚嬶細this is my sister.

杩欐槸鎴戠殑濮愬 this is my friend 杩欐槸鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸 this is my little brother杩欐槸鎴戠殑寮熷紵銆?2. 姝e湪骞测︹?

1锛?what are you doing? 浣犳鍦ㄥ共浠涔堬紵 i鈥檓 reading a book.

鎴戞鍦ㄨ 涓鏈功銆?2锛?she鈥檚 reading a book.

濂规鍦ㄨ 涓鏈功銆?3锛?what are they doing?

浠栦滑姝e湪骞蹭粈涔堬紵 they鈥檙e playing chess. 浠栦滑姝e湪涓嬭薄妫嬨?3.

鎬荤粨锛?姝e湪杩涜鏃跺彞寮忕粨鏋勶細涓昏 +be鍔ㄨ瘝锛坅m锛宨s锛宎re锛? 鍔ㄨ瘝+ing 4.

鐜板湪鍒嗚瘝锛氾紙1锛夌洿鎺ュ姞ing鐨刾lay-playing listen-listening read-reading watch-watching talk-talking sing-singing 锛?锛変互e缁撳熬鐨勫幓鎺塭鍔爄ng come-coming h**e-h**ing live-living make-****** take-taking write-writing ride-riding 锛?锛夊弻鍐欑殑锛歡et-getting sit -sitting run-running swim-swimming put-putting

绗洓妯″潡閲嶇偣鐭 1. make noodles 鍋氶潰鏉?2.

make dumplings 鍋氶ズ瀛?3. make cakes 鍋氳泲绯?

4. fast food 蹇 5. in england 鍦ㄨ嫳鍥?

6. cook vegetables 鐐掕彍 7. 鍙ュ瀷 1.

do you want some rice? 浣犳兂瑕佷竴浜涘ぇ绫冲悧锛?鑲畾鍥炵瓟锛屾兂鎺ュ彈鍒汉濂芥剰锛?

yes锛?please.锛堝ソ鐨勶紝璇凤級鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟锛屼笉鎯虫帴鍙楋細 no 锛宼hank you .

(涓嶏紝璋㈣阿浣?鈥? you got鈥︹︼紵浣犳湁鈥︹﹀悧锛?

鑲畾鍥炵瓟 yes, i h**e. (鏄殑锛屾垜鏈? 鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟 no, i h**en鈥檛。

( 涓嶏紝鎴戞病鏈? much is it? 瀹冨灏戦挶锛?

it鈥檚 one yuan. here you are. 缁欎綘。

绗簲妯″潡鐭锛?1. run fast 璺戝緱蹇?

2. jump high 璺冲緱楂?3.

jump far 璺冲緱杩?4. ride fast 楠戝緱蹇?

5. make a cake 鍋氳泲绯?6.

play the flute 鍚圭瑳瀛?7. wash clothes娲楄。

鏈?8. draw a dragon 鐢讳竴鏉¢緳。

鍙ュ瀷锛?. can you +鍔ㄨ瘝鐭浣犺兘骞测︹﹀悧锛?yes, i can.

鏄殑锛屾垜鑳?no, i can鈥檛。 涓嶏紝鎴戜笉鑳姐?

渚嬶細 can you run fast? 浣犺兘璺戝緱蹇悧锛?yes, i can.

鏄殑锛屾垜鑳?no, i can鈥檛。 涓嶏紝鎴戜笉鑳姐?

can you jump high 锛?can you jump far锛?can you ride fast锛?

can sam play football? yes,he can. no, he can鈥檛。


鐭 1. come here 鍒拌繖鍎?2.

turn on 鎵撳紑 3. happy birthday 鐢熸棩蹇箰 4. come in 杩涙潵 5.

here you are. 缁欎綘 6. happy halloween !


鍙ュ瀷锛?1. can i h**e some +椋熺墿鍚嶇о?

鎴戣兘鍚冧竴浜涒︹﹀悧锛?鑲畾鍥炵瓟锛?yes, you can.

鏄殑锛屼綘鑳姐?鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟锛歂o锛寉ou can鈥檛。 涓嶏紝浣犱笉鑳姐係orry, you can鈥檛。

渚嬶細 can i h**e some sweets? 鎴戣兘鍚冧竴浜涚硸鏋滃悧锛?鑲畾鍥炵瓟锛?

yes, you can. 鏄殑锛屼綘鑳姐?鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟锛歂o锛寉ou can鈥檛。

涓嶏紝浣犱笉鑳姐?sorry, you can鈥檛。


鍙ュ瀷 there be 鍙ュ瀷 there is +a/an/one +鍚嶈瘝銆?琛ㄧず鏈変竴涓 ︹?渚嬶細 there is an apple.

鏈変竴涓嫻鏋溿?there is a horse in this photo. there are +鏁板瓧锛堝ぇ浜庝簩锛?

鍚嶈瘝銆?琛ㄧず鏈夊嚑涓 ︹?渚嬶細 there are three apples .


鐭锛?1. bedtime 鐫¤ 鏃堕棿 going to +鍔ㄨ瘝鍘熷舰灏嗚骞测︹?

3. go by plane 涔橀鏈哄幓 4. get up 璧峰簥 5.

be from 鏉ヨ嚜 6. in the sea 鍦ㄦ捣閲?7.

go to hainan 鍘绘捣鍗?10. visit my grandma 鎷滆鎴戠殑绁栨瘝 11.

on sunday 鍦ㄦ槦鏈熷ぉ 12. from china 鏉ヨ嚜涓浗。

鍙ュ瀷 1. we鈥檙e going to go to hainan . 鎴戜滑灏嗚鍘绘捣鍗椼?

we鈥檙e going to +鍔ㄨ瘝鍘熷舰锛岃〃绀哄皢瑕佸幓骞测︹?渚? 鎴戜滑灏嗚鍘绘父娉炽?

we鈥檙e going to swim. 鎴戝皢瑕佸幓鎷滆鎴戠殑绁栫埗銆?i鈥檓 going to visit my grandpa銆?


鐭锛?1. sports day 杩愬姩鏃?

sports day 2. run the 100 metres 璺?00绫?

3. in the park 鍦ㄥ叕鍥?4.

every day 姣忓ぉ 5. good luck 濂借繍姘?6.

come on 鍔犳补 7. do the high jump 璺抽珮 8. do the long jump 璺宠繙 9.

run the 200 metres 璺?00绫?10.

play football 韪㈣冻鐞?11. play table tennis 鎵撲箳涔撶悆 12.

play basketball 鎵撶鐞? about...鎬庝箞鏍凤紵。

鍙ュ瀷锛?1. what are you going to do?

浣犲皢瑕佸共浠涔堬紵 i鈥檓 going to +鍔ㄨ瘝鍘熷舰鎴戝皢瑕佸共鈥︹?渚嬶細 what are you going to do? i鈥檓 going to swim.

鎴戝皢瑕佸幓娓告吵銆?i鈥檓 going to run the 200 metres.


鍗曡瘝 new year 鏂板勾 the spring festival 鏄ヨ妭 merry christmas! 鍦h癁蹇箰锛?i see.

鎴戞槑鐧戒簡銆?h**e a big family dinner 锛堝悆锛夊洟鍦嗛キ 鍔ㄧ墿: 鐙瓙锛坱iger锛?



灏忛笩锛坆ird锛?棰滆壊锛歳ed锛堢孩鑹诧級green(缁胯壊)blue锛堣摑鑹诧級yellow锛堥粍鑹诧級purple锛堢传鑹诧級 pink锛堢矇鑹诧級white锛堢櫧鑹诧級orange锛堟鑹诧級。

a , an 鐨勭敤娉?a dog, a cat, a tiger, a bird鈥︹?an apple, an orange, an elephant 3.

鏁板瓧鐨勫姞娉?twenty and one is twenty-one. 浜屽崄鍔犱竴绛変簬浜屽崄涓銆?

and鏄姞锛宨s鏄瓑浜?鏈堜唤锛欽anuary涓鏈?february浜屾湀 march 涓夋湀 april 鍥涙湀 may 浜旀湀 june鍏湀 july 涓冩湀 august 鍏湀 september涔濇湀 october 鍗佹湀 november 鍗佷竴鏈?

december 鍗佷簩鏈?


四年级上册重点短语句型。1 介词 on在 上面in在 里面 under在 下面 beside在 旁边 behind在 后面 between在 中间 near接近,临近 next to紧靠 旁边。2 食物 soup汤 bread 面包 sweets糖果 peanut花生 fruit水果 vegetab...




第一单元问句答句。1we h e a new go and h e a look.我们有间新教室。真的吗?让我们去看一看。2where s my seat?it s near the door.我的座位在哪儿?它在门的旁边。3let me clean the me clean the board.让...