
发布 2023-01-18 09:34:28 阅读 8122

1课:词语:new新的, way路,they他们的,behind在···之后,table桌子。

句型:areyouingrade/classfour? yes,weare/no,wearen′t.

what grade/class are you/they in?we/they are in grade/class four.


句型:are you/they from america?

yes, i am. /no, i′m from 中国japan日本canada加拿大。


句型:where are you/they from? we are from beijing.

whereisshe/hefrom? she/ to our school.欢迎来到我们学校。

how beautiful her dress is !她的裙子真漂亮啊!what are you good at?

i′m good at singing.

i like climbing sing and play together.4课:


yes,theyare./no,theyare not.5课:

词语:any一些,任何的,egg蛋,twelve十二,twenty二十,farm农场,farmer农民,句型:can you see any eggs?

yes,i can./no,i can′ many+birds(复数名词)canyousee?icansee+数字。

what can you see? i can see some birds.6课:

词语:has h**e的第三人称单数,every每一,所有的,well健康的,好,back向后,回,fast快速地,快,today今天,one(1),tow(2),three(3),four(4),five(5),six(6),seven (7),eight(8),nine(9),ten(10),eleven(11),twelve(12),thirteen(13),fourteen(14),fifteen(15),sixteen(16),seventeen(17),eighteen(18),nineteen(19),twenty(20)not···at all一点也不i′m not well today.我今天不舒服。

peter counts the pigs again and are my pigs?我的猪怎么样了?

7课:词语:watch手表,**,whose谁的,his他的very非常,很much多,很,非常,mother母亲, for为了,sport运动,flower花,friend朋友,chinese汉语,中国人,study学习。

句型:whose +watch is it/this/that? it is my +watches复数名词are they/these/those?

they are mywatches.

is this your watch?yes,it is./no,it is miss you very much .我很想念你。

father and i are very happy to be here.爸爸和我在这里很开心。the weather is very good in beijing.

北京的天气很好。here are some photos for you.这些**给你。

look at our big sports ground.看我们的大运动场。

mum,how are you getting on with your work?妈妈,你的工作怎么样?8课:




词语:free空闲的,自由的,mondy星期一,stay停留,call打**,father父亲,by the way顺便问一下。

句型:let′s go shopping,ok? ok.

that?我是tom.你是谁?(用于打**)are you free now?你现在有空吗?

it is time for school/class.该上学(课)了。

i don′t want to go to school today.我今天不想去上学。10课:


句型:what are these/those?they are+pandas.(复数名词)

can i help you ?我能帮助你吗?yes , you are.给你。thank you.

11课:词语:seat座位,be是,tomorrow明天,park公园,after在···之后,fall落下down向下,run after追赶,cry哭,喊。

句型:keep off the grass!请勿践踏草坪!don′t be late.不要迟到。don′t litter.请勿乱丢垃圾。

come in ,please.请进。

may i come in? i am sorry i am to your seat ,please. but be on time down.

坐下。listen to me.请注意听。

look at the blackboard.看黑板。today is a fine day.


it is very bad to spit on the ground.随地吐痰是不好的行为。

don′t touch the dog!请勿摸狗!12课:

词语:hungry饥饿的,something某事,over there在那边,lunch午饭,go away走开,small小的,catch抓住。

句型:i′m hungry. i want something to eat.我饿了,我想吃一些东西。

don′t eat me,please.请别吃我。where is my lunch?我的午饭在**?动物的词语:



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