
发布 2023-01-18 09:28:28 阅读 4386







invitation card邀请卡get ready准备好play baseball打棒球play tennis打网球play hockey打曲棍球go jogging去慢跑go hiking去徒步旅行go cycling去骑车go roller-skating去滑旱冰go swimming去游泳go fishing去钓鱼。

go to concerts去听**会go to the movies去看电影play legos玩乐高棋drive bumper cars开碰碰车do puzzles玩智力拼图it’s safe安全it’s dangerous危险play with fire玩火climb the windows爬窗户run downstairs往楼下跑climb over翻越学习方法。

practice the songs练歌traffic light红绿灯。

math problem数学问题。

computer programmer计算机程垿编制员post office邮局beauty shop美容院。


第二单元: 第三单元:

第四单元:为1-3的复习单元,可看看第五单元: 第六单元: 第七单元: 第八单元:为5-7的复习单元。

1. a: what are you going to do?你要去做什么?

b: i’m going to make an invitation. what about you?

我要去……a: me too. oh let’sdo it do you h**e(有)scissors?

b: yes i do.

2. a: do you like baseball?你喜欢棒球吗。

b: yes i do. i also like roller-skating.

c: i like hockey(曲棍球)it’s interesting.

3. a: do you like to go to concerts?

你愿意去听**会吗?b: no i don’t .

i like to do puzzles.

a: what about you alice and kate?学习方法c: i like to go to concerts.

d: me too.

4. a: what does binbin like to do for fun?斌睜醪欢做什么?b: he likes to play why?

b: because it’s fun.

5. a: be careful! don’t run sorry i won’t.

use the sidewalk. it’s safeuse the footbridge. it’s safeuse the crosswalk.

it’s the underpass. it’s light is red. please light is green.

let's go.

6. a: can i use…?我能用…吗?b: sure. here you are.

a: can you pass me…?你能递给我…吗?

b: sorry i don’t h**e one.我没有。

sorry i am using it.我正在用。

a: can you help me with math?你能帮我数学吗?b: sure .what is it?

sure. i’m good at it.

7. a: what does andy’s father do?安迪的爸爸是做什么工作的?b: he is a cook.

a: what does your father do?你的爸爸做什么工作?

b: he is a mailman.他是一名邮递员。a: where does he work?他在哪工作?

b: he works in a post office.他在邮局工作。

a: what do you want to be?你将来想成为什么(职业)?

学习方法b: i want to be a….我想当一名…。

a: why?为什么?

b: because it’s interesting.因为它很有趣。


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