4a复习重点 四年级

发布 2023-01-18 09:33:28 阅读 1689


1. h**e you got an elephant? (你有一头大象吗) yes, i h**e.(是的,我有)no, i h**en’t. (不,我没有)

2where’s no. 2 west lake road,please? (请问西湖路二号在**)(go straight on.

(直走)/turn right.(右转)/ turn left(左转)

it’s next to a supermarket.(它在超市附近)

3 where is train 1? (火车要去**)it’s up the hill.(火车正要上山)

she/amy doing ? 她正在做什么)she’s watching tv.(她正在看电视)

5. what’s he/tom doing? he’s reading a book.(他在看书)

6. what’ re you doing ? 你在做什么)

i’m ****** dumplings.(我正在做饺子)

7. what’ re they/sam and daming doing ? 他们正在做什么 )

they’re doing taijiquan.(他们正在打taijiquan .

are they drinking ?(他们正在喝什么)

they `re drinking soybean milk ! 他们正在喝豆奶)

9. do you want some rice ? 你想要些米饭吗)yes, please.(no, thank you)

10 h**e you got chopsticks in england ? 在英国你们有筷子吗?) no,we h**en`t .(不,我们没有)yes, we h**e.

you run fast ?(你跑的快吗)/jump high / ride fast ? yes i can./no, i can`t.

are you going to do for sports day?(运动会上你打算做什么)i`m going to run the 100 metres.(我打算跑100米)/i`m going to do the high jump.


13 where are you going ,daming ?(你要去**) i`m going to run in the park. (我要去公园跑步)14 .

can i h**e some sweets ? 我可以吃些糖吗?)sorry ,you can`t .

/here you are . yes , of course

yes, you can.

18 .can i come in ?(我可以进来吗)yes , of course .

19 what are you doing ,lingling ? i`m counting my friends’ birthdays .(我正在数我的朋友的生日)20.

how many birthdays are there ? 有多少生日)there are thirty -five .(有三十五个)

how many birthdays are there in january?

there are three.

how many birthdays are there in may ?

there is one.

短语。重点句子: module 1:

1 .here `s a purple one . 23 i’ve got twenty-two(six)points.

i’m the winner.(我赢了)

module 2: 1. next to __2 at the station __straight on.

__turn left___turn right.__4. up the hill___5 live in___you so much.

__welcome.__the hill___

the houses___

module 3: 现在进行时:表示正在进行或发生的动作。结构:be+动词的ing形式。

be 有三种形式:am, is, are.

1. this is my friend.__2. he`s他正在读书) 她正在写信) 他在照相)


___a toy train.(玩弄)

___我在看电视)我在听**)9. _these pictures.(看)

module 4: 1. we can see __interesting things .

(许多) 2 .look at the men __树下) look at the people公园里)/ look at the people __湖上) 3. they’re他们正在下象棋)/ they’re他们正在划龙舟) they’re他们正在踢足球)they’re___跑步)

module 5: 1. what is he doing?

(他正在干什么) he’s __noodles.(他正在做面条) are you doing? (你正在做什么)i’m __some dumplings.

(我正在包饺子)/i`m __vegetables .(我正在烧菜)3 chinese fast food___chopsticks are difficult.__love vegetables___****** some soup.

__module 6 :



一般疑问句: can+主语+动词原形?

例句:you can`t run fast .

i can run fast. can you jump far? can sam ride fast?

2 make a cake __play the flute __wash clothes __draw adragon __

module 7 :


结构:be going to +动词原形。

be 有三种形式:am, is, are.

例:1. amy __going to swim.

2. daming __going to play football.

3. i __going to go to the park.

4. we___going to go to hainan tomorrow.

5. you __going to visit your grandpa.

6. they___going to make a cake.

going to go __乘坐飞机)

going to5 o’clock.(在五点起床) _来自中国)5this is __小勇的泳衣)

module 8: going to举行运动日活动)2.你打算为运动会做什么?__are you going to do __sports day?

the long jump __the high jump___

the 100 metres___6. come on___

7. every day___luck!__

module hungry.__2 now you can h**e some __饼干,some __水果and some cake.

3the __打开灯。 4 come here___

can’t see.__very __黑的)

7. can i __进来)? yes, _当然。

module 10:1there are three birthdays in january .2 there is one birthday in march.

3 there are twelve months __the year . 一年有十二个月 parties __

6. this year___friends’ birthdays___

are lots of festivals.__

is snow. 10. we can __in july.(去公园)


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