
发布 2023-01-31 15:42:28 阅读 7803


一。listen and choose

1. show me the letters a i r.

2. where is my seat? it’s near the door.

3. i h**e a friend. she has long black hair.

4. can i h**e some fish and rice ,please?

5. my father is a doctor.

二。listen and number

1. ming: who is the man ?

mom: he’s uncle wang. he ‘s a driver.

i h**e a in my bedroom.

3. mom: what would you like for lunch?

ming: i’d like some rice.

ming,clean the desk,please.

5. ming:mom, where are my balls?

mom: they are under the bed.

6. ming: mom,i h**e a friend. she has big eyes,small nose,and short hair.

mom: who’s she?

ming:she’s ann.

三。 listen and tick or cross

the table.

2. put your books and rulers in the bag.

to the kitchen.

to music.

like a baseball player.

on the light.

四。 listen and match. 听录音,连线。

1. this is grandama. she is a likes milk.

is uncle wang. he is a driver. he likes fish very much.

3. the girl is your little sister. she is a student. she likes hamburger.

is your aunt ,susan. she is a nurse. she likes can sings well.

5 the boy is your old brother. he is a likes computer game.

五。 listen and number. 听录音,排序。

a:hi! look at my family photo!

b: wow! it’s a big

how many people are there in your family?

a:there are eight.

b: really? who are they?

a:there are my grandfather ,my grandmother,my father,mother,my brother,my sister,my little puppy and me!






part a listening

这一天, 明明在听广播,但有些句子没听清楚,让我们来帮帮他吧。

listen and choose.听录音,选出正确的一项。(10%)

)1. a . a i rb. a r i

)2. a. near the doorb. near the desk.

)3. a. long black hairb. short black hair.

)4. a. fish and riceb. vegetable and rice

)5. doctor


listen and number.听录音,给以下**标上序号。(12%)


、listen and tick or cross.听录音,判断对错,对的打√,错的打×。


listen and match. 听录音,连线。(10%)


listen and number. 听录音,排序(6%)。

eight? really? who are they?

how many people are there in your family?

hi! look at my family photo!

there are eight.

wow! it’s a big family.

there are my grandfather ,my grandmother,my father,mother,my brother,my sister,my little puppy and me!

part b writing



1) he is ahe is my

2) she likes to eat someand chicken.

3)my father is ahe’s very strong.

4)theis in the pencil-case.


read and match.读一读,连一连。(8%)


ⅲ read , tick√and complete the bill. 朗读对话,填写帐单。(14%)

今天,明明家来了好多小朋友。明明正在给妈妈介绍呢,让我们也来认识一下吧。 ⅳread and choose.读一读,选择人物。(8%)

四年级牛津英语 4A 试卷

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