
发布 2020-09-29 03:57:28 阅读 1251

4a 英语复习(课堂笔记)


1. a/an/one/this/that…+单数。

2. +复数。

1;these/those;some/any/many..(some any +可数复/不可数名词)


do you like?你喜欢什么?-i like +名词复/不可数。

4. do you like+复?你喜欢。吗?-yes,i do./no, i don’t.

5. what would you like?你想要什么?-i’d like=i would like...

6. would you likesome…?你想要…吗?-yes,please./no,thanks.

unit 2(some和any)

some 和any 的用法: some用于肯定句,any否定/疑问。

1. i h**e some...肯定句。

2. do you h**e any...疑问句-yes, i do./no, i don’t

3. i don’t h**e any...否定句。

4. would you like some...can i h**e some...特殊)

5. how many+复数do you h**e? -i h**e 数字。

6. what a big egg! 多大的一个。啊!

unit3 数字。

1. 13~19 thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

2. how many +名词(复)do you h**e? -i h**e +数字。

3. can i h**e a look/h**e one? -sure./yes, you can.

4. what do you h**e? -i h**e...

unit4play basketball/football/table tennis swim/skate/run/jump

2. i can swim/skate/play basketball...

3. i can skate too也。(肯) i can’t swim either. (否)

basketball well

4. what can you do? i can...

5. can you...yes, i can./no,i can’t.

6. don’t be sad.

7. 同类词:

动词:play swim skate jump run sing/

名词(球类):basketball football table tennis/

形容词:cute lovely nice fat thin long short tall/

人称主格:he she i you they we/

形容词性物主代词:his her my your their our ..的+名词/(he's=he is他是 his他的)

8. how old are you? -i’m 11 (years old)

unit 5

1. where is + 单数? -it's in/on/behind/under/next to/beside...


3. is it ..yes, it is./no,it isn’t.

4. are they...yes, they are./no,they aren’t.

are you?你怎么样?

i'm fine/hungry/thirsty/tired/sad./ not so good./not bad.

unit 6 (at the snack bar)

hamburger/ sandwich/pie/cake/noodles/rice/bread/

不可数:rice bread fish )

drinks: (is不可数)here is some juice/milk/coffee/tea...

不可数-可数 :here is a cup/glass of...here are two cups/glasses of...

i help you? -yes, i’d like...please.

would you like? -i’d like...please.

you like...what about...yes, please./no, thanks.

5. anything else? -yes, i’d like...no,thanks.

6. mine 我的东西 whose谁的 who's=who is 是谁。

his他的 he’s=he is 他是 i'd=i would

7. like /some/any + 可数名词复/+ 不可数名词。

unit 7

1.词汇: a fan an umbrella( a blue umbrella) a pair of socks and shoes

2.数字:twenty thirty forty fifty...

twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen

twenty- two thirty- five

much is+名词单?it's...yuan.

how much are +名词复? they're...yuan.


how many (+名复)多少。数字。

how old?多少岁?—i’m/he’s...数字。

how are you? 你好吗—i'm +形容词。

how nice!多漂亮!—thank you!

how about=what about...怎么样?

unit 8

1.词汇:hair(不可数) an eye(eyes)

an ear(ears) a nose a mouth

形容词: big small long short tall fat thin

her my your our ..的+名词。

3. he’s tall. she’s fat.

4. his hair is short. his nose is small. her eyes are big.

4a复习重点 四年级

1 问句与答语 1.h e you got an elephant?你有一头大象吗 yes,i h e.是的,我有 no,i h en t.不,我没有 2where s no.2 west lake road,please?请问西湖路二号在 go straight on.直走 turn right....

牛津小学英语四年级 4A 期中测试卷

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