
发布 2023-01-21 13:06:28 阅读 2758



h**e to/has to不得不 go to school去上学 go to the movie theater 去电影院。

what about ……怎么样 go to the park 去公园 all the days所有的日子。

in a week在一周内/后 come back 回来play with 和……玩。

english class英语课 english corner英语角music class **课。

dance class舞蹈课 art class美术课 class 体育课

swimming class游泳课 watch tv 看电视 ann’s diary for one week 安一周的日记。

do many things做许多事情h**e violin class上小提琴课

on wednesday afternoon在周三下午 play football踢足球 at home在家。

go out with family和家人外出 on monday/tuesday在周。

一、周二 join us加入我们

let’s让我们 go swimming去游泳 go+动词ing(例如:go swimming go shopping)

wait for等候,等待follow跟随,跟从help帮助。

f**ourite class 最喜欢的课 what time 几点 don’t worry别担心

won’t= will notvisit grandma看望奶奶 play with friends和朋友们玩。

eat breakfast 吃早饭eat lunch 吃午饭 eat dinner吃晚饭

go to the bank去银行take the cat to the vet带猫看兽医

dad’s birthday party爸爸的生日派对 write my diary写我的日记 get up起床

go to bed **睡觉 be late for school上学晚be late for dinner晚餐迟到。

be late for the train赶不上火车了between 5 and 6在五点和六点之间

go to the store去商店 go to bed **睡觉 get up late起床晚 take a bus乘公车。

ride a bike骑自行车 walk to school 步行去学校 read news*****读报纸。

read storybooks 读故事书。


it’s time to visit uncle booky.. 看望booky.叔叔的时间到了。

it’s time to play with friends. 和朋友们玩的时间到了。

we are early,we are not early. 我们来早了,我们没有来早。

what time is it? 几点了?

excuse me 打扰了。

my watch is slow. 我的手表慢了。

my watch is broken. 我的手表坏了。

it’s time for dinner, 吃晚饭的时间到了。

here you are. 给你。

you won’t be late again. 你将不会再迟到了。

what time do you go to school? 你几点去上学?

i go to school at seven我七点去上学。

it’s two fifteen两点十五分

it’s four forty- five四点四十五分。

am i late我迟到了吗?

i play with friends between 5 and 6. 我在五点和六点之间和朋友们玩。

i eat dinner at 7我在七点钟吃晚饭

what are you doing你正在做什么?

i am eating my breakfast. 我正在吃早餐。

do you always eat breakfast so late? 你总是这么晚吃早餐吗。

when do you eat breakfast? 你什么时候吃早餐。

i always eat breakfast at seven o’clock. 我总是7点吃早餐点。

when do you visit uncle booky? 你什么时候看望booky叔叔啊。

i usually visit him in the morning after breakfast.我通常在早晨早饭后看望他。

what does uncle booky do in the morning? booky叔叔在早上做什么?

he usually reads a book. 他通常读一本书。

let’s visit uncle booky now.让我们看望booky叔叔吧。

when does he go to the store? 他什么时候去商店?

he often goes to the store in the afternoon.他经常下午去商店。

do you go to school everyday?你每天去上学吗?

he sometimes sleeps in the morning. 他有时在早晨睡觉。

when do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

i usually get up at six o’clock. 我通常在六点钟起床。

when does he get up? 他什么时候起床?

he often gets up at eight o’clock.他经常在八点钟起床。

when does she go to bed? 她什么时候**睡觉?

she sometimes goes to bed at twelve o’clock? 她有时在十二点钟**睡觉。

what day is it today? 今天星期几 ?

it’s monday today. 今天是周一。

when do you go to bed in the evening? 你晚上什么时候睡觉?

when do you sleep in class? 你在班里什么时候睡觉?

i never sleep in class! 我从不在班里睡觉。


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