
发布 2020-09-22 21:02:28 阅读 6265




物主代词2. photo(同义词。

完全形式4. thin(反义词。

复数形式 would like(缩写。


所有格形式10. i(宾格。


1. look at2.讲台3. here you are

4. 在**旁边5. how many

6. 一名足球运动员 toys



has glasses and his shoes are blue


) 1. how many __are there on the tree?

a. apple b. apples c. an apple

) 2. i h**e __pensa. two b. an c. a

) 3. she english well. a. speak b. speaks c. is

) 4. –what’s his name

a. he’s my brother. they are. c. his name is mike.

) 5. look, this is her photo. _is thin and short.

a. he b. she

) 6. who’s __best friend? a. you b. your c. yours

) 7. can i __some noodles, please?

a. like b. h**e c. has

) 8. let __clean the window. a. i b. me c. our

) 9. how many people are there your family?

a. in b. on c. near

) short black hair and big eyes.

a. has b. h**e c. is

) dinner? b. to c. for

)12.--her job ? she is a nurse.

c. who’s

)13. 当你想知道李明的舅舅的职业是什么是,你应该说。

is your is li min’s uncle’s job?

is that man?


the desk. the desk. c. in the desk.

( )15.打扫卫生时,你想主动擦黑板,应该说:

me clean the desk. b. let me clean the blackboard.

c. let’s clean the blackboard.


me. c. thank you.

) sister.

) uncle and auntare .

) on the table? key keys

) home.


1. is, colour, it, what

2. go, let’s, and, see

3. is, near, door, it, the

4. like, some, and, i’d, fish, vegetables

5. study, is, my, in, the, mother


) 1. what colour is your english booka. yes, he is.

) 2. how many girls are there in your class? b. ok.

) 3. is your friend a boy or girlc. it’s yellow.

) 4. is this your uncled. a boy.

) 5. let’s clean the classroome. there are 15.


) h**e short black hair.

a b c d

( )your cousin job?

a b c d

) is she schoolbag.

a b c d

) would you like dinner?

a b c d

( )are your notebook?

a b c d


1. this is mystory book\ storybook).

2. he has bigears\ ear)and a small mouth.

3his\ her) name is john.

4he\ his) is my baby brother.

5. come andmeet\ meets) my family.


this your sister?(做否定回答。

they in the living room?(做肯定回答。

is my chinese book.(改为一般疑问句)


印江自治县2014 2015学年度第一学期期末终结性检测。四年级英语试卷。命题人 田芳。考试时间 80 分钟卷面分值 100分 听力部分 50分 一 听音,给下列 排序。12分 二 听音,判断下列 与所听内容是 否 相符。18分 三 听音,根据所听内容选择正确的 10分 1 these are ab...


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