
发布 2020-09-22 21:05:28 阅读 4902



a: what would you like for breakfast, alice?

b: i’d like somesome

and some水).

a: wow! what a nice breakfast! and what about your dinner?

b: i’d like some蔬菜), some

and some


1. 学校2. 教室。

3. 窗户4. 书桌5. 门。

6. 椅子7. 床8. 面包。

9. 牛奶10. 蛋11. 水。

12. 米饭13. 牛肉14. 鸡肉。


1. what would you like for breakfast? i’d like an鸡蛋), some面包)and some牛奶).

2. what would you like for dinner? i’d like some牛肉) and some汤).

3. we h**e 22教室)in our学校).

4. welcome to my家)。

5. open the门), please.

6. can i h**e some水),please?

7. what would you like for lunch? i’d like some米饭)and鸡肉)


1. 书包2. 铅笔3. 钢笔。

4. 书5. 尺子6. 铅笔盒。

7. 教师8. 学生9. 男孩。

10. 女孩11. 朋友12. 家。

13. 房间。


1. w__ t __水2. pencil-c __s __铅笔盒)

3. h __m __家4. fr__ nd (朋友)

5. g __l (女孩6. st__ d __nt (学生)

7. br __d (面包8. r__ c__ 米饭)

9. m__lk (牛奶10. ch__ck__n (鸡肉)


) wait and see. .

)her name is chenjie.

( )yes, he is.

( )mum, i h**e a new friend.

( )what’s her name?

( )really? a chinese friend?

( )look! she’s cute.

( )yes, she’s very friendly.


) 1books do you h**e? i h**e 6.

a. where b. how many c. what

)2in it? 20 story-books.

a. what’s b. howc. when

) name? his name is zhang peng.

a. her b. hisc. it

) wall __white.

a. areb. itc. is

) big eyes and a small nose.

a. hasb. h**ec. is


john chen jie tom amy zhang peng

john, please go to the living room.

tom, please go to the bedroom.

amy, please go to the study.

zhang peng, please go to the washroom.

chen jie, please go to the kitchen.

九)、根据**, 填上所缺的字母。

n__teboo__ o c k __oodles __amp __acket

r__cepen k__t equirrel __encil

11acket 12oke 13ouse

十)、 选择正确的答案填空,将编号填在横线上。

where’s my seat ? b在门旁边)

a. it’s near the door . b it’s near the desk

2 a: _i h**e a look? b: sure. here you are.

a. many b. may c. do

3. ais your seat? b: it’s near the door.

a. who b. what c. where

4. how manydo you h**e? b. i h**e 52.

a. crayons b. pen c. pencil

5. aapples do you h**e? b: i h**e seven.

a. how b. who c. how many

6. a: let’s clean the classroom. b

a. good idea. b. it’s too big. c. we h**e a new classroom.

十一)、根据**, 填上所缺的字母。

1. 姐妹2. 兄弟3.叔叔 __4. 阿姨___

4. 爸爸 __5. 妈妈 __6. 司机 __7. 父母亲___

8. 医生 __9. 农民 __10. ** __11.堂亲___


十二)、 选择正确的答案填空。

1pencils can you see?

a. how b. what c. how many

2. i h**e twelve

a. books b. note book c. pen

3in your schoolbag?

a. where is b. what is c. how many

jie : let’s clean the board . amy

a. ok. b. hello. c. goodbye.


a. what’s in the classroom ? b. what’s on the board ?


a. i h**e a pen . b. we h**e a new classroom.

十三). 选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上。


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