
发布 2020-03-21 05:55:28 阅读 3196



1. 窗户 w nd w 2. 计算机 c mp ter 3. 图画 pict__ e

4. 语文书 ch__ ese book 5. 书包 sch __lbag 6. 糖果c __dy

7.强壮的 str__ g 8. 鞋 sh9.安静的 qu__ t

10. 头发 h__


) nearc. picture

)2. a. tall b. hairc. strong

)3. a. notebook b. floorc. wall

) 4. a. maths book b. chinese book c. teacher’s desk

) 5. a. friendly b. yellowc. red


) 1、a、cake b、name

) 2、a、like b、kite

) 3、a、nose b、not

) 4、a、big b、five

) 5、a、coke b、dog


)1、let___help you.

a、gob、me c、i

) short black hair. he __tall.

a. h**e ; is b. has ;is c. h**e; h**e

)3. i __a good friendis mike.

a. h**e; he b. h**e; he c. has; she

) 4. i h**eenglish book andstorybook.

a. a ; a b. an ; an c. an ;a

)5、--a boy___a girl?

--a boy.


)6、--what’s his name?

--_name is zhang peng.

a、myb、his c、her

)7is it?

--it’s red.

a. whatb. where c. what colour

( )8is my pencil?

it’s under your book.

a. what b. where c. who

)9. 当你向别人介绍“他留短头发。”你说:

a. he has short hair. b. he h**e short hair. c. he is a short hair.

)10. 当你想对父母说自己的朋友很文静,你说:

a. my friend is quiet. b. my friend is strong. c. my friend is tall.

) 11、你的一个朋友长得又高又壮,你可以怎么说:

a、he is tall and strong . b、he is short and thin .

c、he is tall and quiet .

( )12、当你看到了一个女孩的**,想知道她是谁,你可以怎么问:

a. what’s your nameb. what’s her name ?

his name ?

( )13、你想知道别人书包里装了些什么东西,你该怎么问:

a、what’s in your pencil box ?

b、 what’s in your schoolbag ?

c、 my schoolbag is he**y .


a、le’t’ go and seeb、open the door.


a. sweep the floor. b. let’s clean the classroom

五、 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。(10分)

)1. what’ s his namea. 2 pencils and 5 books.

)2. may i see itb. his name is mike.

)3. what’s in your schoolbagc. it’s black.

)4. what colour is your pend. sure, here you are.

)5、how many books do you h**ee. i h**e 6.



what’s where’s let’s i’m it’s

1my picture?

2his namehis name is john.

3、--look at the monkeyso cute!

4、--who are youwu yifan.

5go to the classroomok!


how many, what, where, how old, what colour

1is in the classroom?

-- a blackboard, two lights and many desks.

2is your pictureit’s on the wall.

3cats do you seei see four.

4are youi’m nine years od.

5is your bagit’s green.


)i h**e a new schoolbag.

) it’s blue and white.

) really? what’s in your schoolbag?

) a chinese book, an english book and two storybooks.

) what colour is it?


例子: you / do / pears / like /

do you like pears?

1. go / let`s / see / and /

2. classroom / a / we / h**e / new /

3. she / who / is /

4. are / blue / shoes / his /


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