
发布 2020-03-20 21:20:28 阅读 5004


班级: 姓名:


1. like desk2. egg orange

3. bed dog4. come mother



) 1. a. animalb. pigc. cow

) 2. a. fruitb. applec. orange

) 3. a. heb. shec. my

) 4. a. anyb. somec. grape

) 5. a. lionsb. monkeysc. elephant


1. 一只香蕉2. how many

3.一些马4. cute and fat

5. 两只猫 animals

7. 喜欢狗8. a wonderful robot

9. 做一只蛋糕 you are


) 1. lookthese toy animals.

a. is b. atc. it

) 2. i likecat.

a. these b. thatc. those

) 3. do you like this

a. a lion b. lionsc. lion

) 4. do you like

a. a lion b. lionc. lions

) 5. i h**e five

a .book b. a bookc. books

) 6. do you h**erubbers?

a. some b. anyc. a

) 7. 当你告诉别人你喜欢小狗时你应该说:

a.i like a dogs. b. i like dogs. c. i h**e a dog.

) 8.当你想说自己喜欢这只猫时,你可以说:

like cats. b. i like this catc. i like that cat.

) 9. 当你告诉别人你有一个苹果时你应该说:

a.i h**e a apple. b. i h**e an apple. c. i h**e apples.

( )10.当你想问别人是否有一些橘子时,你可以说:

you h**e any orange? you h**e some oranges? c. do you h**e any oranges?


) 1. here you area. yes, i do.

) 2. who’s the girlb. they’re pineapples.

) 3. where is the catc. it’s on the desk.

) 4. what are thesed. she’s helen.

) 5. do you h**e a mango? e. thank you.

) 6. would you like a tiger ? f. no, i like lions.

) 7. what’s in your pencil case?g. it’s a panda.

) 8. here’s a ruler for i h**e two pencils and a ruler.

) 9. do you like monkeys? i. yes, please.

) 10. what’s thisj. all right.


5. i , pears, some, h**e (.


1.你喜欢狗吗?不,我不喜欢。__youno, i

2.那是一只狮子吗?不,不是。它是一只老虎。is __a lion? no, _isn’t. it’s a

3.我有一些葡萄。你有一些葡萄吗?i h**e __grapes. do you h**egrapes?

4.看我们的芒果。look atmangoes.

九、阅读短文,判断正误。(正确用 “t ”,错误用 “f”表示)

lily: hi, nancy. look,i h**e a toy cat.

nancy: how cute!

lily: do you like cats, nancy?

nancy: yes, i do. and i like tigers, too.

lily: do you h**e a toy cat?

nancy: no, but i h**e some toy tigers.

lily: how many toy tigers do you h**e?

nancy: i h**e three.

) 1. lily has(有) a toy cat.

) 2. nancy don't like cats.

) 3. nancy has two toy tigers

) 4. the toy cat is lovely.

) 5. nancy likes toy cats and tigers.


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