
发布 2020-09-28 21:20:28 阅读 8979

unit 1 a new student


第四课时)一 、教学内容

牛津小学英语》4b第一单元e f g部分课文。

f: listen and repeat.

二 、教学目标

1 、复习句型:who’s that __he’s (she’she’s (she’s) a __

are you ayes, i am. /no, i’m not.

2、能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语:come down. don’t climb trees again.


三 、教学重点



四 、教学难点


五、 教学过程

step1 sing a song:

(show the pictures of ben and his sister)

t: who’s that boy?

ss: he’s ben.

t: who’s that girl?

ss: sorry, i don’t know.

t: let’s sing the song “who’s that girl?” together.



step2 free talk:

1. t: how are you today?

ss: fine, thank you.

2. t: excuse me, are you a teacher?

s1: no, i’m not. i’m a student.

3. t: excuse me, are you a doctor?

s2: no, i’m not. i’m a student.

4. t: excuse me, are you a nurse?

s3: no, i’m not. i’m a student.

5. t: who’s that boy? (teacher points at a boy.)

s4: he’s… he’s a …

t: who’s that girl

s5: she’s… she’s a …

6. t: now, you ask , i answer.

s6: who’s that boy? (student points at a boy.)

t: he’s… he’s a …

s7: who’s that girl

t: she’s… she’s a …

7.渗透who's that ..with(big nose,small eyes,long hair,short scarf ..


step3 review

1) 投影出示简笔画,复习本单元四会词汇。

2) review the new sentences of unit 1

1. 哑剧表演。


老师与a生打招呼,指b生:who's that boy?

a生:he's ..he's a student.


3.同法复习: are you a…? yes, i am./ no, i’m not

强调yes,i am. no,i'm not.的书写格式。)


step4 屏幕上出示e部分图:

1、look at the picture, answer these questions:

1)、 who’s this girl? she’s yang ling.

2)、is she a student? yes, she is.

3)、 who’s that man? he’s mr green.

4)、 is he a doctor? no, he isn’t. he’s a teacher.

5) 、who’s this boy in the park? he’s liu tao.

2、look at the picture and listen to the tape recorder点击右下角小喇叭。

3、listen again and answer the questions:

1)who’s the boy in the tree?

2)please say something to liu tao.


第二题若有学生说出 come down, liu tao. 给学生一个ok。

然后边做手势边教读,让学生理解句意,并和 come here做比较。

同样的方法教don’t climb trees again.

3)can we climb the tree? (no, we can’t.)

4、read and act

1)、look, listen and repeat. 点击右下角小喇叭。

2)、read the dialogue in roles.

3)、practice the dialogue in groups.

4)、act out the dialogue.

step5 listen and repeat

1、屏幕出示f图及 walkman, woman, zebra, zoo 四个单词,学生听录音,跟读这四个单词(点击单词下方的小喇叭),体会w, z 的发音。

2、出示:watch, window, 以便学生更好的体会w 的发音

3.问题: 1. is that a woman or a girl?

2. what’s the woman doing?

鼠标指向图中妇女,学生学说the woman listens to a walkman

教师指耳朵说listen ,学生明白其意。要求学生注意w字母的读音,that over there?

鼠标指向斑马,学生学说she looks at the zebra in the zoo,要求学生注意z字母的读音,然后将两句连起来朗读,学生结合插图理解其意思即可。



( 也可点击右下角小喇叭,跟读句型)

step6 fun house

1、屏幕出示g图, 要求学生仔细看图、默读句子,理解故事的幽默之处。


1)who’s the man over there?

2)is he a teacher?

3)最后一幅图当su hai 说“hi, mr brown”时,为什么会有三个人应答?



6.小组表演对话。12组su yang, 34组 d**id, teacher—mr brown.

step7 exercise

1. listen and choose(课件)


1) who’s that boy? he’s mike. he’s a student.

2) are you s teacher? yes ,i am.

step7 finish the exercise book.

1. listen and judge


2. listen and choose


3. listen,choose and write


4. draw,guess and write


5.complete the dialogues


step 8 homework

1. 听录音,复习本单元教学内容:默写单词,熟读本单元课文。

2. 改编e部分对话,书写在作业本上,课外活动交流检查。


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