
发布 2020-03-21 13:11:28 阅读 3209

unit 1 i like dogs. (满分100分)


1. 这些玩具熊猫 lion under the tree

3.看那只狗 time for class

5.两只可爱的猴子 6. two white horses

7. run on the farm my cake

9. nice to meet you you are

二 。根据提示,填入合适的词。 (4分)

1. look at t___pig over there. it's lovely.

2. do you like猫)?yes,i

3. that's my toyi like熊猫)

4. what are these? they're梨子)

三 。选词填空。 (8分)

1. look at thiscat / cats). it's lovely.

2. this is ai likecow / cows)

3you like dogs? no, ido / don't)

4. look atthat / those) pictures.

5. i likedo you likepanda / pandas)

四、完成句子 (17分)

1. 看这些孩子们。 lookand

2. 这些是玩具狮子。 thesetoy

3. 这是一只橙子。 thisorange.

4. 麦克,你喜欢猴子吗you likemike?

5. 不,我不喜欢。我喜欢老虎。 no, ii

6. 你想要一个苹果吗you like

7. 不,谢谢。 no

五、连词成句,并写出中文意思 (16分)

1. you, do, dogs, like

2. like, this, i, dog, toy

3. the, in, is monkey, little, the, tree

the, in, is monkey, little, the, tree

4. at, these, toy, tigers, look

5. you, like, do, lions

6. are, the, pandas, fat, and, cute

are, the, pandas, fat, and, cute

7. don't, those, i, like, elephants

8. h**e, i , cakes, here, some

六、选择合适的答案。 (6分)

) 1. 询问这些是什么?应问:

a. what's this? b. what are these? c. what are those?

) 2. 告诉朋友你喜欢蓝色,可以说:

a. it's blue. b. blue. c. i like blue.

) 3. 告诉老师你喜欢狗,可以说:

a. i like dogs. b. they're dogs. c. this is a dog.

) 4you like a pie? -no, thanks.

a. don’t b. do c. would

) 5. -look at the toy pandas. -cute and fat.

a. it’s b. he’s c. they’re

) 6. -what’s in the tree? -

a. a horse b. a monkey c. an elephant


1. look at those toy动物). they’re interesting.

2. look! the dog is very可爱的).

3. i like马).

4. do you like __lion)? no, i __do)

5. would you like __一只) elephant?

6. a monkey is __the tree.


) 1. _this cat.

a. see b. look at c. look

) 2. look at these toy animals, _

a. boy and girls b. boys and girls c. boys and girl

) 3. do you __

a. like cat b. like monkey c. like lions

) 4.——do you like pandas

a. yes, i don’t b. yes, i do c. no, i do

) 5. —would you like a pie

a. yes, please. b. no, please. c. yes, a pie

) 6. i __a cake here.

a. has b. h**e c. no

) 7. would you like __egg?

a. a b. \c. an

( )8. —what___is my skirt? —it’s yellow.

a. nice b. colour c. cute

) 9.——this is for you

a. how nice. b. happy new year. c. thank you


)1. do you like cakes? a. it’s time for bed

) would you like? b. thanks.

) you like a pie? c. i’d like a toy panda.


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