
发布 2020-09-26 12:37:28 阅读 1937

四上英语unit 3 my friends 导学案1

学习重点】1.句型:who is he ? i h**e a good friend. he’s tall and strong.

2.词汇:tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet

学习难点】1.发音:thin th的尾音

2.句型:he is…

学法指导】 自主合作**。学习过程】


正确书写词汇:tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet


完成let’s chant的内容。


who is he/she? he/she is my good friend.

what is his/her name

how old is he/she

what is he/she like

is he/she very friendlywe are good friends.


) 1. ia new friend.

a. h**e b. has c. am

) 2. he is tallthin.

a, andb, or c, am

) 3. whoshe?

are c, am

) 4name is amy.

a. hisb. her c. she



2. 【夸夸我】 (优:★ 良:△ 待优:○

四上英语unit 3 my friends 导学案2

学习目标】1.句型:who’s he/she? who’s your best friend?

2.词汇:hair, thin, strong, quiet

学习重点】1.发音:friends, thin


学习难点】1.发音:friends, thin


学法指导】 自主合作**。



1.句型:who’s he/she? who’s your best friend?

2.词汇:hair, thin, strong, quiet


let’s play的内容。


i h**e a new friend. what’s his name?

his name is … he is very friendly. he is tall and strong.

在学习本课时先对所学单词friendly, tall and strong等进行复习。

并利用句型描述外貌what’s his name? his name is …he is…

一、 看图写单词。(10分)

四上英语unit 3 my friends 导学案3

学习目标】学习书写英文字母ss, tt, uu, vv的大小写和学习拼写单词:teacher, student

学习重点】1. 大写t,u的笔顺和小写t的书写格式。

2. 单词spoon , van的发音。

学习难点】1.单词dog note nose mom读音及写法 学习过程】


1. 认读单词dog note nose mom

2. oo的发音。


完成read listen and chant的内容。

完成read listen and tick的内容。

完成listen circle and write的内容。


一般情况下: o 开音节 /u/ note no 闭音节 //dog lot

一、 选择合适的答案,并将其序号填在相应的横线上。

a. big b .long c. strong d. short

1. i h**e a short ruler. he has a one.

2. wei hua is tall. i am .

3. amy has hair and mike has white hair.

4. i like apples. jim likes small apples.

5. my father isi am thin.


)1. what’s his namea. he is my teacher.

)2. what colour is itb. her name is amy.

)3. who’s that manc. it’s yellow.

)4. how many books do you h**e? d. his name is john.

)5. what’s her namee. i h**e 12.

四上英语unit 3 my friends 导学案4

学习目标】1.句型:my friend has blue glasses. his glasses are blue.

2.词汇:long hair, short hair, a green bag, brown shoes, blue glasses

学习重点】通过**及**让学生认读单词long hair, short hair, a green bag, brown shoes, blue glasses

学习难点】1.区别what’s her name?与what’s his name?

2.区分who’s she? who’s he? he, his; she, her本身人称代词与物主代词易搞混。

学法指导】 自主合作**。



1.句型:my friend has blue glasses. his glasses are blue.

2.词汇:long hair, short hair, a green bag, brown shoes, blue glasses


完成say and draw的内容。


提问学生my friend has… 词组替换,学生进行描述。

本课学习了五个词组,需要学生能灵活使用。其中,short hair , long hair前不加冠词修饰。

如 he has short hair. she has long hair. 需要学生注意。

一、阅读,判断正误(正确“t ”,错误“f”)

i am amy.

i am a student.

i h**e a good friend.

her name is sarah.

she’s tall.

she’s quiet.

she has long hair and big eyes.

she likes english and math.

we help each other.

) friend is sarah.

) is strong.

) has short hair.

) likes chinese.

) and sarah are good friends.

四上英语unit 3 my friends 导学案5

学习目标】1.句型:he has glasses and his shoes are blue.

2.词汇:glass, thin

学习重点】1.发音:glass he has…

2.句子:he has glasses and his shoes are blue.

学习难点】1.发音:glass he has…

2.句子:he has glasses and his shoes are blue.

学法指导】 自主合作**。



3. let’s talk的内容。

4. 会使用句型he has… he is…


活动let’s play


会使用简单句型描述自己的朋友。如he/she is … he/she has….

本课出现了新的句型 he has…


amy:i h**e a friend.

wei hua

amy: a girl.

wei hua

amy: guess. she’s quiet. she likes music

wei hua: her name is sarah.

amy: yes.

wei hua: i h**e a friend too. he’s strong.


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