
发布 2020-08-11 16:34:28 阅读 2242



六年级下册unit 3we should learn to take care of ourselves.教学目标。

1、能听说,认读新单词healthy, keep, exercise, jog;能听说,理解并认读短语:“keep our body clean”,“eat healthy food”,”be happy”,”doexercise every day”.


3、能用“we should…”来给出建议,综合运用本课及以前所学的英语表达谈论健康的生活方式。



2.综合运用以前所学知识,用we should句型进行话题谈论。教学准备word cards, pptstep 1 warm-upknow more about me.

say“yeah. yeah. yeah.”if you think it’s no. no.”if you think it’s false.

在互动中增进师生之间的交流,并引出情境:老师有一些坏习惯,学生帮助老师制定健康计划)step 2 presentationtask 1: brainstorm

say something about these words:clean, happy, strong, healthy.


task 2: to finish miss xiong’s healthy plan in be clean.

read and underline: what should we do to be clean ?t: we should keep our body clean.

引导学生进行知识迁移,通过比较与思考,能说出keep ourface/hair/hands/feet…clean) be healthy

watch and answer: what food does it mention ?ss: fish, fruit and vegetables.

t: they are healthy food.(英英解释healthy food,帮助其理解)discuss:

do you know any other healthy food ?(引导学生讨论并复习食物主题单词)

s1: milk is healthy food.(引导学生用完整句子表达)s2: meat is healthy food.…

t: we are what we eat.(适当引导,进**感教育)we should eat healthy be strong

t: we want to be strong . what should we do ? let’s we should do exercise everyday.

老师先让学生读准exercise的发音,再进行后面的意义操练)t:what kind of exercise can we do ?(老师引导学生发散型思维,说出运动相关的短语和单词)

make sentences like this :we should do exercise , we can __t:yes , we can run , swim , play basketball, and we can jog.


be happy

t: we want to be happy , what can we do ?(引导学生讨论兴趣主题相关单词)s1: we can we can dance.

s3: we can play chess.…

step 3 practice

here is another task for you : give good suggestions to other play

ss work in two and make a dialogue.(老师给出五个情境及关键词,引导学生综合运用本课及以前所学编对话并表演)situation 1 : hospital, doctor and peter, h**e a coldsituation 2 :

school, amy and anne, unhappysituation 3 : home, mum and mingming, eating

situation 4: a net bar, tom and linda, play computer gamessituation 5: kindergarten, teacher and a kid, wash

step 4 conclusion

t:good wealth is over wealth. we should take care of ourselves .

step 5 homework

proverbs about health and share with your partners.

with your friends and parents about their bad habits and give themgood suggestions.

语文人教版六年级上册17 《少年闰土》作业设计

17 少年闰土 习题设计。一 多音字组词。二 填空。归纳课文有关内容,然后填空。从闰土给 我 讲等几件事,可以看看闰土是一个 少年。二 捕鸟 捡贝壳 看瓜刺猬 看跳鱼儿活泼可爱 聪明能干 有丰富常识的海边农村。一 看拼音写词语。二 多音字组词。三 比一比,组词语。捏 钮 拜 允 扭 纽 湃 充 缚 ...

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